Yandere Stranger Female (Male Cheated Reader)

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I don't know what this is about probably more sweet

(Y/n) POV

The sound of the passing wind drowned out the natural noises only letting me have my thoughts to myself. I was at the park sitting under a little overhang as I wiped my eyes of any stray tears or sniffled as at this point I didn't care who'd see me like this.

My girlfriend of eight years had cheated on me and basically dropped me for her new boyfriend because I changed apparently. She mentioned how I wasn't that outgoing anymore and how I seemed to be more working. Well it was true as I was working towards a homemade dinner. I was just working to earn some well deserved days off.

I sniffle and rub my eyes looking at my phone and browsing at the old photos I had with her and deleted one by one reminiscing about the good times or question if they were even real. I got some strange looks from people but some had given me a look of sympathy that is until someone stepped in front of me tapping my head as I look up.

??: "Something the matter? You look a little down in the dumps."

Yes I like Bremerton a lot and won't be the last time I use her

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Yes I like Bremerton a lot and won't be the last time I use her.

"Am I that obvious?"

??: "Well I'm not the one out at the park at eleven in the morning while it's snowing."

"Same could be said about you."

??: "I'm appalled you say something to me a stranger no less..."

"Didn't your parents ever teach you about talking to strangers?"

The stranger smiled with a chuckle not even phased at the little remark and instead held her hand out to me.

Bailey: "Bailey, Bailey Hope. And yours is I'm guessing (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n) to be exact."

"How did-"

She pointed to my badge on the side of my jacket and chuckled to myself having it on and never taking it off. I look at her as she sits down next to me looking in the far distance as the rain had stopped for a bit adding a light ambience.

Bailey: "So what got you sad? Someone close to you passed away?"

"Uh. No actually. My girlfriend cheated on me and well dumped me close to our anniversary. I'm just deleting old photos."

Bailey's face softened at that and patted my back.

Bailey: "Hmm. I understand your pain all to well. Two peas in a pod if you get my drift. My girlfriend or well now ex-girlfriend would sneak out and say she had to stay longer at work. Who knew it was because she was fucking the managers son. I fell into a bad place like you when I confronted her and ended up landing myself in a hospital bed with surveillance."

"I'm sorry."

Bailey: "Bah. That was last year now I'm better. And personally I don't like seeing anyone else down in the muck. Cmon."

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now