Yandere Superhero (Male Retired Villain Reader)

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I actually liked this one this and this does not take place in MHA universe

No one POV

Mirko looked at the news in her home and waited for the time to come and the news came on as she got ready but something odd happened

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Mirko looked at the news in her home and waited for the time to come and the news came on as she got ready but something odd happened.

News: "Well this is Cassie reporting live...uh any second now..."

She was recording the crowd that had gathered but nothing happened. No lighting in the sky, no earthquake, or even any maniacal laughter coming from the sky.

News: "Well uh the weather outside will be clear and...mild..."

The crowd started to get impatient and talks were going around until after 20 minutes of him not showing up people started to dissipate and eventually the news had to change the subject. This happened the next day, the day after that, and eventually a whole week passed.

Mirko got concerned that her nemesis was plotting something dastardly and went in her regular clothes to search for him.

Rumi POV

I looked around his old areas of interest and even interrogated a few ruffians finding he hasn't contacted them in over 2 weeks. My concern slowly turned into worry for his wellbeing. I eventually went to the park to eat a hotdog I had bought and sat next to a person drinking a soda and eating a hamburger and fries.

??: "Something on your mind?"

"Eh...sorta...there's this guy I'm looking for and I'm more worried for him then anything else."

??: "Surprised really. Usually not everyone would willingly go looking for me."

I turn my head at him as I realized it was him! He was next to me eating a burger!

"Tell me what your planning. I highly doubt you'd want to start a fight against-"

(Y/n): "I retired."

"What? Retired? You don't retire from being a bad guy. We have a thing going on! You attack the city and I swoop in to save the day."

(Y/n): "Look Mirko. We've had this song an dance for years now. Everyday for the last 8 years. Not once did I ever win a battle. Plus the day when the city saw you win while I was buried under the rubble really hit me. So I figured no one would miss me if the (V/n) disappeared. After all you said "(V/n) should just stay in his hole of misfortune." So I did and he's dead now."

"But wait. I really didn't mean that...the people just wanted to be convinced. And what does this mean about us?"

(Y/n): "Mirko...there was never us to begin with...you were the hero loved by all and I was hated by everyone...in the end I guess the villain just died in me. Good luck on your next endeavors."

He threw his trash away into the garbage can and stare at his back leaving as this was the first time I lost a battle of emotions and wiped some tears away from my eyes.

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now