Murderer (Male Detective Reader)

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Boredom right. Just a word of something. Really bad and scuffed writing I'm sleeping and stuff. It's really bad and read if you want an aneurysm

Lifting the yellow tape I see the residents looking at the doorway an enter shaking the rain off my hair and was lead up to the stairs.

"What can you tell me?"

Rookie: "Got a couple of calls about a commotion happening and so dispatch sent me the apartment."

"First day?"

Rookie: "Yeah. Damn near puked when I saw. Mess up there. Word of precaution be careful."


Rookie: "My nana mentioned you should always be wary of bad energy and so even though I can't bless you I can give you the word of blessing that you'll be safe."

I shrug superstition aside and move upstairs to enter the room to see that indeed it was a blood bath. Limbs were strewn about ranging from female to male. The most gruesome being the males eviscerated face and his missing heart.

Kerry: "You like kebab? Male and female. Both in their 50's. Male has much more attack marks and both don't have defensive injuries."

"They were immobilized before they were butchered."

Jon: "Uh (Y/n). You need to see this."

I'm handed a file and see that the man in question was my old partner.

Kerry: "Something wrong?"

"I know this man. He was my old partner from 5 years ago."

Kerry: "Wait wait you mean Diaz? The cop you reported and was kicked off the force for killing a innocent?"

"It goes deeper."

Kerry: "Revenge? Personal vendetta?"

"No not possible. Even though the case wasn't public it was never released. Everyone that was in that day were told to not say anything."

Kerry: "And you?"

"It was to big to go public so they decided to temporarily suspend me and transfer me. Of course I did the right thing that day."

Kerry: "Still doesn't explain this ordeal."

Jon: "Guys you gotta check what someone found."

We follow him outside to the wall and find a dead body drained of blood and on the wall was a me.

"Let's play a game.....9 little mouses conspired. 1 got his heart taken. 8 little mouses remain.....who's next I wonder...can you save the mouses before the time is up on you (Y/n)?"

Kerry: "How many of you were on that case?"

"Well as the message says....there was 9. Im one of the 8."

5 years ago

I stepped into the precinct almost nervous and shuffling as I see Diaz. A robust man who's been part of the force for over 20 years and was the one who was going to be my partner and teaching me how things were going to work.

"Oh uh sir my name is-"

Diaz: "I know who you are rookie. Cmon we don't have all day."

I follow him and enter his car as we began doing patrols around the city.

Diaz: "So kid what made you join the force? Glory, heroism, or just the money?"

I think it's a weird question but I answer respectfully.

"My mother and father were both part of the force but retired when they had me so I decided to follow in their footsteps."

Diaz: "Symbolism. Makes sense. Nowadays the only reason you become a cop is for the easy cash and under the table deals."

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