Yandere Neo *revised*

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This was from the first book that someone helped me recover. But fight me wattpad.

(Y/n) was making coffee as he was nudged by Yang, his coworker who worked at a restaurant mixed with a cafe

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(Y/n) was making coffee as he was nudged by Yang, his coworker who worked at a restaurant mixed with a cafe.

Yang: "Hey (Y/n). Your admirer is here~"

"For the last time she's not my admirer. Shes just someone who comes in every Friday ordering the same thing for the past year. Okay maybe she's my admirer but I don't like her back. She's probably in my younger sisters age."

The girl I turn to already was at the counter as I go ahead and walk up to the registry. I remember when she first came in she was quiet as a mouse and would only point to what she wanted. I only ever caught her name being Neo.

"So one Neapolitan cheese cake. And a hot chocolate. That'll be 10 dollars."

She hands me a pink and brown credit card and I swipe it as she always used this with a smile. I always did want to know where and how much she earned maybe then dating her would get me away from my apartment.

I yawned and shook my head as she looked at my curiously and I waved it off until she pointed to a another beverage which was an energy drink and put it on the list and nodded.

"Your order will be ready in a couple of minutes, thank you for ordering and come again."

I went to make her drink which was a hot chocolate with pink whipped cream. I look over and see her eyeing me as I blush a bit as she never took her eyes off me. But it was probably just admiration. Neo looked like the same age Yang's sister, Ruby, so really he was ruled out as he didn't fit the criteria of a cute handsome. Pretty average in every sense.

He finished her cup and soon wrapped up her cake and put into a little baggy as I dropped the canned beverage until she held it out to me.

"For me?"

A simple cheerful nod as I took it and stared at her as she walked off out the door giving me a pleasant wave.

Yang: "Soooo about her not being an admirer?"


I was wiping the tables down as I finish the last table and take the coffee drink out from my apron pocket and open it and drink from it as I was technically on break but I rather have clean tables before night rolls around.

Yang: "See ya (Y/n)."

She waved bye as I sighed and pulled my phone out seeing my old classmates traveling around the world or simple living life to the fullest.

Boss: "(Y/n) your break is over."

"But I have 10 minutes left-"

Boss: "Yeah I can reduce your pay by 10 dollars. Get your ass up and start moving."

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now