Chapter one

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Tilin woke up and rubbed her eyes. She yawned, stretched, then got out of bed. She looked at the other side of the room and saw Tallulah was still in bed. 

A sweet smell drifted from downstairs- Pancakes. Tilin grabbed her notebook and ran downstairs. She was writing while running and since her parents taught her how to read and right at a young age [for obvious reasons] her handwriting was oddly neat.

Once she got downstairs and to the kitchen she showed her papa the sign.

'Can I have pancakes?'

 Her papa, Wilbur, smiled and nodded. "Course you can, Tilin. Go sit down and I'll bring you your plate." Tilin smiled and ran to the table. She got in one of the seats that had a cushion in them, because of the children's height.

Wilbur gave her the food and put his own food on his side of the table. "Do you wanna see grandpa today?" Tilin nodded. She heard footsteps and looked over to the stairs. Fundy! 

She got out of her chair and hugged Fundy. "Good morning, Fundy. How was your sleep?" Wilbur asked. Tilin looked over at Wilbur, then got back in her chair. "Good, thanks for asking dad."

Tilin ate her pancakes and grabbed her notebook and pencil.

'Are we going to grandpa's house?'

Wilbur didn't respond so she got in front of him and showed him the sign. Wilbur looked down and read it. "Yes, we are. Can you go wake Tallulah for me?" Tilin nodded and ran up to her room. 

She went in the room and saw Tallulah was already awake. She forgot her notebook downstairs. 

Tallulah hugged Tilin. Tallulah always refused to speak. Whether she was with Tilin or not. They went downstairs and Tallulah ate her breakfast.

Tallulah saw Tilin's sign and got excited. She looked up at Wilbur and Fundy. Tilin grabbed her notebook.

'Where is mama?'

Wilbur kissed Tilin's head, "Mama is at the store." Tilin nodded and Wilbur led them all out to the car. They got in and Wilbur started to drive.

Once they arrived Wilbur looked shocked. There was no way... He thought he was gone. Dead. Never to be seen again. He thought both of his brothers were gone. He though all he had was Chayanne and Philza. 

Tommy and Techno looked over at Wilbur. They had dirt covering them and they smelled like flowers and trees, not really a bad or good thing. After all it could be worst.

"Tommy? Techno? What..? I thought- But- How are you here? and alive?" Wilbur stuttered out. Techno smiled, "Technoblade never dies. Thought you knew that, brother." 

Tommy grinned, "Wilby we have a little brother! His name Chayanne! I bet you knew that though, after all you've been here for longer than us!" Wilbur laughed, "Still've got a big mouth, I see." 

Tommy looked playfully offended. For the first time Techno looked down at the children. Fundy and... Two others? "Hey Wil? I thought you only had one kid." 

Wilbur laughed, nervously. "Heh- About thaaaaat" Fundy ran up and hugged Techno and Tommy. "Hi Uncle Tommy and Uncle Techno! Where were you guys? You were gone for five years!" 

Tommy smiled, "Hey buddy, how bout I tell you the story when we get inside, and also after I have a shower-" Fundy laughed and nodded. 

Wilbur looked around, "Wheres Dadza?" 

"He's out. Me and Toms talked to him a couple hours ago and we were left babysitting." Techno said. Tallulah looked up at Wilbur and for the first time, she spoke. "Wanna see Chayanne." Wilbur looked shocked.

Of course, this confused Techno and Tommy. It's normal for four year olds to talk. "What's so surprising?" Techno asked, "Tallulah never talks. She's mute by choice," He said looked back at his brothers.

Tommy grinned, "Ooh thats cool! So who's the mom?" Wilbur laughed awkwardly. Techno was gone. "Hey wheres the blade?" Wilbur asked, changing the subject. "He's gone into the house, Dad" Fundy said. 

Wilbur nodded and walked into the house, then his phone rang.

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