Chapter Two

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As they got inside Wilbur's phone rang. Wilbur looked at Tilin, "Go play Til, I'm going to go answer this call, okay?"

Tilin nodded and ran off to play with Chayanne and Tallulah.

Wilbur answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey Baby, Where are you?" A familiar voice answered.

Wilbur smiled. "I took the kids to see my dad."

"Oh thats nice. They having fun?"

"Yeah, Phil isn't there but my brothers have come back."

"Really? That's amazing, Hope you guys have fun!"

"No, Q, I want you to come over, I want to see Tommy and Techno's reactions to you being my husband,"

"Uhm... I'll think about it, okay?"

"Alright then love. Stay safe!"

"You too! Love ya!"

"Love you too!" The call ended. Wilbur smiled and turned around. "What're you looking at, gremlin child?" Wilbur asked, looking down at Tommy.

Tommy scoffed, "Really? GrEmLiN cHiLd? How rude! Anyways was that the mom? Is she pretty Wilbur?"

Wilbur laughed, "Yeah, He's pretty." Tommy didn't notice Wilbur said 'He' and continued to talk about how 'she' must be super cool and pretty.

Ten minutes later Techno came over to them, "I'm out of the shower. Tommy you go take one now." Tommy groaned, but obliged. "So how have you been, Wil?" Techno asked. Wilbur smiled, "I've been alright, thanks for asking. How about you, how have you been?"

Techno smiled, "I've been alright, I'm happy for you though, you've got strong kids." Wilbur smiled, "Thanks-" Tilin ran over, crying. "Tilin? Are you okay?" 

Tilin sniffed and shook her head, clinging to Wilbur. Wilbur sighed. A couple minutes later, Tallulah came in crying. Tallulah hugged Tilin. Chayanne came in after. "Some meany let their dog bite Tilin and Lula. Don't worry though I'll make sure they never do it again." 

Techno chuckled, "Alright the-" 

"Techno- Don't encourage his violence!" Wilbur started, then he turned to Chayanne, "You don't do anything to those people, okay?" 

Chayanne huffed. "Fine."

They heard the door unlocking. Wilbur ignored it, "Show me where it hurts." He said to Tilin first, Tilin pointed to her arm. Wilbur nodded and looked at Tallulah, "Where does it hurt?" Tallulah pointed to her knee.

Wilbur sighed and grabbed a first aid kid that he had in his pocket. He cleaned the bites and put band-aids on them. The dog was most likely a puppy as it had small teeth.

Philza came into the house, "Hello boys," He said smiling, then he saw Tallulah and Tilin in tears. "What happened?" He asked, Wilbur explained. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you girls okay now?" Phil asked. 

Tilin and Tallulah nodded and wiped their tears. A knock came at the door. "I'll get it!" Chayanne said, running to the door. 

He opened the door and frowned. He grabbed his wooden sword that was on the floor [He didn't clean up his messes] and hit Quackity with the sword. "¡¿Qué carajo?!" Quackity yelped. "¡Maldito mocoso! ¡¿Qué hice?!" 

"Hey! Stop yelling at him, mate! He doesn't know any better!" Philza yelled from the other room. Quackity scoffed, "He does know better! He just doesn't like me!" Philza rolled his eyes, "Wilbur go get your husband."

Techno gasped, "Quackity and Wilbur are married?!"  Philza nodded. Techno stayed silent for a bit, thinking. Then he said, "Honestly, that sounds believable." Philza laughed. 

Wilbur came back in the room, followed by two angry children- wait- sorry. One angry child and one angry person who is acting like a child. there we go.

Quackity went over to Tilin and Tallulah. "Hello my chi-" Chayanne came over with his sword and tried to hit Quackity again. "¡¿Cuál es tu puto problema Chayanne?!" Quackity shouted at the child. Chayanne stuck his tongue out at Quackity then went in for another swing. 

This time Quackity puffed out his wings, pushing the child away. Chayanne puffed. "you're a bitch." Chayanne said, crossing his arms and dropping the sword. "And? Did I ask?" Quackity answered.

"Who the fuck marries their rival then makes a child their rival?" Techno asked. Philza looked at Techno, "He doesn't remember. Just you, me, Wilbur, and Tommy." Techno was surprised at this. 

"You don't remember?!" Techno half yelled. Quackity blinked at him, "Remember what?"

A Familys Grief [Angst]Where stories live. Discover now