Chapter five

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And he fell beneath the water, passing out. His last thoughts being these exact words, 'At least she made it out.' 

He opened his eyes and saw a bright room. It was white. "Wh-where am I?" He said to nobody in particular. 

"Hospital. You almost drowned sir. Luckily a man, er William, I think, Was able to save you and your baby." 

"William? That's my husband! Bring him to me, please." The doctor obliged, bringing Quackity's husband to him.

"Hey baby, how're you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I'm fine. Thanks love, but is Tilin okay?" Quackity asked. Wilbur nodded, "She's alright, Q. But she has Aspiration Pneumonia. She has to stay in the hospital." 

Quackity looked down. "Oh. I'm sorry, Wil." Wilbur tilted his head. "Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong," Quackity shrugged. "Well it's my fault she's hurt. I had her. I told her she could come. It's my faul-"

Wilbur interrupted the other, angry yet calm. "Do not blame yourself Quackity. It is not your fault. You were going to give up your own life to save her. You put her first. It isn't your fault, don't think like that." Quackity blinked back tears. "Thanks Wil. Can we go see her?"

"Oh, baby you have to wait until the doctors say otherwise." Quackity pouted. "Okaaay" The doctor came back in and urged Wilbur out. Wilbur left and the doctor gave Quackity medicine. "We'll have to release you tomorrow, but you can have visitors for about five more hours. 

Quackity nodded, "Kay. Can I have my husband back now?" 

The doctor nodded and left, Wilbur soon walked in. "How're you feeling?"

"Okay. I should have flown-"

"Quackity your wings have been inactive for the past seven years." Quackity shrugged "I guess. Wilbur can I have a hug?"

Wilbur smiled, "Course you can, love." Quackity purred and hugged Wilbur. "I'll get to go home tomorrow, Wil. 

"That's amazing, baby." 

"So who was left in charge of the kids?"

Wilbur laughed, "Don't worry about it."


"But mama lets me do it." Tallulah said, grinning up at Philza. Phil sighed, "Fine. Get on." Tallulah squealed, "Yay!!" She climbed Phil's back and smiled, "Ready,"


"Go." Philza ended. He flew into the clouds at full speed. Who's going to tell him Q can't fly? Oh well. Philza flew between the trees and did spins.

Finally, he made it and a full speed stop, both of them falling in the sandbox. Tallulah giggled and shook sand out of her hair. "That was so much fun!"

"Glad you had fun, little mate." Chayanne ran over to both of them. "Can I try?"

Philza sighed and nodded, letting Chayanne get on his back. "Ready. Set. Blastoff!" Chayanne yelled, cueing Philza to zoom upwards. This time he went straight up, Chayanne loved rides like that. 

Philza zoomed between two houses and fell in the sandbox during his landing. Normally, he had clear landings but, for the kids sake, he messed up. They found it amusing.

Fundy was watching through the window. "Come on out, mate." Phil called. Fundy listened and excitedly ran toward them. He climbed up on Phil's back. "Go!!" Fundy shouted, happily. Philza zoomed into a cloud.

He flew them above the clouds, and they zoomed past an airplane. How could he fly faster than an airplane?!

Philza faced the sandbox and zoomed towards it, landing headfirst into the sandbox. "Woah! That was so cool!"

Philza chuckled. "Chayanne, do you know where your brothers are?" Chayanne nodded, "They went to the shops to get me a bagel, Tallulah an ice pop, and Fundy a croissant." Philza nodded, "Thanks mate, you guys head inside. I'm going to water Wilbur's plants."

The children nodded and ran inside. 

Philza sighed as he looked to the garden, god he hated gardening. But if it was what made his son happy, he'd do it for him. Or, "Kristin, love, You like gardening, right?"

"Yes. I do, why do you ask?" Philza smiled at the sweet voice of his wife. "I need help with this. I've no clue what I'm to do."

Kristin laughed and appeared out of nowhere. "Watch," She said as she worked on the parsley plants. 

"Is that your wife, Phil?" Missa asks, Where did he come from? Oh well. "Yes, Kristin, this is my husband. Missa, this is my wife."

"eres muy hermosa, señorita," Missa said, Kristin smiled, "Thank you dear."

Missa smiled, "Mhm."

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