Chapter 11

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It was 10:50. Everybody was sleeping and it was a cold night. Wilbur was woken up by a knock at the door. He walks down the stairs and just as he reached for the door knob, something in him told him it was a trap.

If he opened that door, his family wouldn't be safe. He looks through the eye hole and sees darkness. Nobody was there yet the knocking continued. What was going on? 

Not safe, they weren't safe. They wouldn't be safe till day. No way was he going back to sleep knowing this. He hears the knocking stop. Letting out a breath of relief, he walks to check on the kids. All of them were in bed, sleeping.

As he starts to walk away, the knocking starts from Tilin's Window. He looks over and sees no figure through the window.  No shadow or anything. 'What the fuck?' 

Was this a prank? Was somebody messing with him? 'No, it doesn't matter. Just get the kids out of the room.'

He walks over to Tilin's bed and picks her up, he then grabs Tallulah and Fundy. He put Fundy on his back and held the two little girls in his arms. He carried them to his bedroom and locked the door behind him. He grabbed a bat and sat on the bed. He heard the knocking stopped and he looked at the clock.


Dammit. Will they ever give up?

The knocking stops again but Wilbur knows it'll come back.

And as he suspected, the knocking started up again, loud and harsh as if trying to break the glass. But this time it was on his bedroom window.

Wilbur stands up, finally deciding on waking Alex.

When he looked towards his husband he saw he was already awake, staring at Wilbur with fear in his eyes. The two locked eyes for a couple seconds as the knocking continued. Alex got out of bed and picked up the twins, waking up. "Tilin, Tallulah, go hide under the bed for me, alright?" He whispered. The twins nod, not questioning a thing.

Quackity then wakes Fundy and tells him to go hide in the closet. Fundy nods and does as he is told. Quackity looks out the window. And finally, there is a figure there. Only a shadow.

Wilbur tried to think on who this could be. Why would anybody do this? It was stupid!

 The knocking turned into banging. 

Wilbur pushes Quackity back, ready to protect his family. Quackity looks around, anxiously. His golden wings flutter and end up folding neatly at his back. By now, their eyes had well adjusted to the dark by now. Wilbur looks to the clock again.


'It's been an hour. Leave. Please. Just leave.' 

Wilbur lets out a sigh. Won't be safe till daylight. He already knew this yet he hoped it would stop early. He knew it wouldn't though. No way they'd get that lucky. They'd have to wait it out, hoping to make it until then. 

The glass is thankfully strong enough to last. Hopefully. The banging stops eventually and Quackity relaxes, not Wilbur though. He knows it's coming back. They weren't even safe in their own home anymore, were they? As Quackity was about to speak, Wilbur stopped him. "Not yet." He whispers. 

They waited and as suspected, it came back. But, From their bedroom door. The man was inside. They were not safe. His family was not safe. Quackity freezes, looking at Wilbur. Wilbur pushes Quackity into the closet with Fundy and locks them in there.

He would protect them. They wouldn't get hurt. It wouldn't happen. He wouldn't let it happen.

Wilbur looks at the clock again.


A hole breaks through the door and Wilbur can see a knife. What was he thinking?! How could he fight off somebody who has a knife with a bat? Fucking hell man. Why must things be so difficult?

The door breaks off his hinges and Wilbur adjusts to swing for the person's head. And it worked how he hoped. The man was knocked out. Wilbur pulls his family out of the hiding spaces, bringing them out of the house and into the car. He locks them in, none of them had shoes on or coats. Just pajamas. 

He drives, speeding. Quackity puts his hand on Wilbur's shoulder. 

"Slow down." Wilbur takes a breath and slows the car down, pulling into Philza's driveway. He got out and opened Quackity's door, then the backseat door.

Everybody got out. Wilbur knocked on Phil's door and after a couple moments Philza answered. "What're you doin here?"

"Long story. Can we stay here tonight?"

"Of course, mate. Come in."

You know what's funny? I know who the killer is. You probably do too but you don't know when he'll kill her >:]

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