Chapter Eight

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The next day Quackity was still sleeping while Wilbur had woken up. Wilbur smiled and got out of bed, then he got dressed. He went to the kids room to see if they had woken up. They hadn't.

So he was the only one awake. Of course Quackity is still tired considering what had happened last night. 

He chuckled to himself.

He went to the kitchen and started cooking. fried eggs, sausages, and bacon. after thirty minutes he finished cooking. He turned away from the stove and saw Fundy. "Hey bud! you hungry?"

"MHM," Fundy hummed loudly, "So very very very hungry!" 

Wilbur chuckled and put some food on a plate, "Here you go." He said, handing his son a plate. Fundy's tail wagged and he ate all of it in a matter of 5 minutes. 

"God damn-" Wilbur laughed. Fundy giggled, "Dad you aren't allowed to curse. I'm telling mom!" 

Wilbur shook his head, playfully. "You can't tell your mama, he's resting."


"Oh- Well he-"

"Is he sick?"

"No no its not that- Your mama isn't sick its-"

"Then why is he resting?"

"He's just-"

"What happened?"

"Nothing- Fundy let me finish!"

"Fine" Fine groaned.

"Your mama is tired."

"Ohhhhh- That makes sense."

"Mhm. Go wake your sister, she needs breakfast." Wilbur smiled, Fundy nodded and ran to his room to wake Tallulah.

Wilbur thought about Tilin. Their poor baby. 

I think she really likes me~ Asked politely can I Ooh mhm~' 

Wilbur picked up his phone, "Hello?"

"Your daughter is healing fast, she'll be ready in two more days." The woman said, presumably a doctor. Wilbur grinned, "Really? Awesome! I'll tell my wi- Husband." Wilbur had started accidentally calling Quackity 'wife' for two weeks now.

"Alright, goodbye." The doctor said. Wilbur hung about without saying goodbye. He went to tell Q but then remembered he was resting. "G'morning Dada!" Tallulah yelled. Wilbur smiled, "Morning Lulah!" Wilbur said, smiling.

"Guess what? Your sister will be out in two days!" Tallulah smiled, "Yays!"

Wilbur put Tallulah's food on a plate, "Here you are." Tallulah smiled and ate her food. "shank oo a'a!" She mumbled, food still in her mouth. Wilbur chuckled, "You're welcome sweetheart, don't tlk with your mouth full though."

"Mhm!" Wilbur smiled and went to check on Quackity. "Baby? You awake?"

"Mmhn..." Wilbur laughed, "I'll take that as a no."

Quackity rolled over and stared at Wilbur. Slowly blinking. "What? Why're you staring at me like that, Q?"

"Not starin' at you"

"Mkay? What are you staring at?"

"None've your concern. Go'way"

Wilbur laughed, yet again. "You want me to leave, sweetheart?"

Quackity's face flushed red at the name, "Fuck you bitch- GeT OUT!" Wilbur yelped as Quackity threw a pillow at him. "What did I do?!" he playfully yelled. Quackity stopped and though for a minute.

"Uh- I dunno. I'm tired and can't remember why."

"I know why~" Wilbur sang as he left the room. Quackity blinked. "Weirdo."

He yawned and stretched. "I'm hungry" He said to nobody in particular. He got off of the bed and took a step, falling.

Meanwhile Wilbur was singing to the kids. "One last kiss!~ I Need you like I need a broke-" A scream interrupted him.

"MAMA/QUACKITY/MOM?!" All of them yelled out. All three of them ran into the room and saw Quackity on the floor. "Ow- Oh hello my amazing children." He said looking up at them.

"Why the hell did you scream?" Wilbur asked. Quackity ignored him. "Help me up." Wilbur laughed and helped Quackity up. "There."

Tallulah yawned, "Mama. What happened?"

"I fell. Mama's legs are sore from the car crash." Quackity lied, as if he had been practicing for this moment.

Wilbur snorted. Quackity glared at him. 

"I suddenly remember why I'm so tired. Now what's for breakfast?" Quackity said, leaning onto Wilbur.

"Dad made some Sausages, eggs and bacon!" Wilbur smiled. "Bacon?" Quackity said, mouth agape. "Yay!" He flapped his wings and floated just three inches above the floor. He could fly, but not that high. 

He flew to the kitchen and sat down. Tallulah had followed him to the kitchen. "Lullah, dear?" Quackity started.

"Yes mama?"

"Tell your daddy to give me a plate of food." Tallulah giggled, "Okay mama!" She ran off to get Wilbur.

After a couple moments Wilbur came in and served Quackity breakfast.

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