Chapter four

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The next morning, it was Monday. Quackity woke Fundy up and gave him breakfast. Everything like it was supposed to be. "Ma?" He looked down and saw Tilin, "Hi baby, whats up?"

She showed him her paper:

'Can I come?'

Quackity smiled, "Of course, let me make you some breakfast." Tilin nodded and sat at the table. Ten minutes later they were ready.

"I'm taking Fundy to school, babe." Quackity yelled to a half sleeping Wilbur. "Mmh" Wilbur groaned. 

Quackity chuckled and drove Fundy to school. 

It took ten minutes to get there.

"Have a good day at school, Fundy." Quackity called. Tilin smiled and waved at Fundy through the window.

She hummed to the song that was playing. Quackity smiled and looked back at the road. Traffic. Fuck. 

Quackity grabbed his phone and called Wilbur. 




"Hello?" Wilbur's voice answered, he sounded tired.

"Hola, Mi vida! I am currently in traffic."

"Oh, How long d'you think it'll last?"

"About thirty minutes."

"Can you stay on call then?"


"Yay!" Wilbur cheered. Quackity smiled and put the phone in a holder so he wouldn't get distracted. 

A couple minutes passed and a big truck tried moving in front of Quackity. "Stupid truck." Wilbur chuckled.

25 minutes.

"Hey, baby?" Quackity started.


"This is tiring."

20 minutes.

"Tilin is asleep, Wil."

"Awwh, cute"


15 minutes.

"Wilbur?" Quackity said. Wilbur hummed in response. "There's a crazy driver next to me. He won't quit swerving."

Wilbur sighed, "Oh. Be careful then."

"I will."

11 minutes.

"What road you on?"

Quackity told Wilbur what road he was on. Wilbur would know where to go if something was to happen.

10 minutes.

Quackity was on a bridge now, still side by side with the mad man. The man swerved his car and hit Quackity.

"Fuck-" Quackity was spun into another car, causing him to hit his head on the back of the seat. "Shitshitshit-" Another car hit Quackity's car.

 "Tilin, I need you to wake u-" Another car hit Quackity forcing his car to back near the edge. They were so close to falling in the water. "Quackity, baby? What's happening?!" Wilbur asked. 

"Got hit, hold on a sec-" Their car was pushed further. They were actually falling now. "Tilin!" Quackity yelled, he grabbed Tilin and their car went under the water. "Quackity!" Wilbur yelled.

Quackity ignored him then tried to break the doors of the car down, then the windows. The pressure of them falling was too strong. He couldn't break the glass and the car was filling up with water.

"Tilin wake up!" Quackity cried. He pulled them to the top of the car and tried to wake her up. Tilin woke up, Tilin looked at Quackity. "Hold your breath when the water gets to your chin, for me. Okay?" Tilin nodded and clung to Quackity. 

He was trying to stay calm for his baby, but he was scared. How could he let this happen?! "Wilbur.. I'm scared, I don't want to die- I don't want my baby to die!" He whispered. He didn't know if Wilbur heard him because there was no answer.

Tilin held her breath and Quackity pulled her higher. 'Please please please..." Quackity thought to himself.

All he could hear was the water. Tilin, being five, couldn't hold her breath much longer and breathed in some of the water. Quackity saw this and began trying to break the door down quicker. After a couple seconds it worked.

He was in the ocean now. He let out a bubble of air to see where he should swim. He swam up and started to lose his breath. He needed to breathe. He began to panic, silently but kept his breath to himself. He's a duck. He should know how to swim faster!

Tilin breathed in more water and was choking. His poor baby.

Quackity saw land through blurry eyes and pushed Tilin in that direction. He saw a silhouette of a human. He pushed Tilin to the human, urging them to take his baby. 

They did. And he fell under water

A Familys Grief [Angst]Where stories live. Discover now