Chapter nine

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A couple hours passed and Quackity was on the phone with Slime. "I can't wait till she gets better... Yeah it's been a while, maybe we could meet up tomorrow? Awesome! I gotta go now, bye!"

Wilbur smiled. Quackity hung up the phone. "Baby?"  

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm meeting up with Charlie tomorrow." Quackity said. Wilbur nodded, "Alright, come here" Quackity crawled over to Wilbur. "Yeah?"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! MAMA, DADA, NO!" A little squeal yelled. Tallulah. She jumped in between Wilbur and Quackity. "You can't cuddle wifout me."

Wilbur smiled, "Okay then, my sweet girl." Quackity smiled as well, "Fundy! Come down for cuddles!" They heard footsteps and happy yipping.

Fundy jumped on all of them. "Yay!"

A couple days pass and Quackity has met up with Slime and Tilin is back home.

"Ma?" Tilin asks. Quackity smiles, he loves hearing her voice. But why was she awake? "Yes, Tilin?" 

"Why uncle slime no wike me?"


"He no wike me, ma." Quackity giggled and hugged Tilin, "My girl, what makes you think that?" 

"I dunno, he jus no wike me."

Quackity sighed, "He likes you, he just shows it differently."

"Bu' ma- Otay." Tilin said, interrupting herself.

Quackity kissed Tilin on the head and smiled at her, "I love you."

"wuv oo too ma"

Quackity chuckled. "It's bed time, dear. C'mon." He says, taking Tilin to her room. 

Tilin nodded and got in bed. Quackity kissed her, closed the door, and left the room.

Tilin was drifting off when she heard a creak. She didn't open her eyes. She felt a cold wind, no she looked up. "Mista Swime?" She asked. Slime smiled at her, "Hello sweetheart. How're you feeling?" 

"Goods! Ma says you wike me but I didn' tink so."

"Oh no. I like you, of course I do." Slime was whispering.

Tilin smiled, "I wike you too Mista Swime." Slime smiled. "Do you want to go on a trip with me?" 

"I seepy righ nows. Maybe nex time." She says and gets under her covers. "Okay." Slime says, he sounds annoyed. She heard the window creak and then the wind was gone.

The next day she woke up and looked around. Where were Tallulah and Fundy? 

"Tilin? Are you awake?" she heard a voice call. She smiled and ran downstairs. "Mhm! Where 'undy?"

"School!" Tallulah said. Tilin nodded. "Mhm. Guess wha!"

Tallulah smiled, "What?"

"Mista Swime visit me wast night." Tallulah smiled, "Cwool!" 

Quackity and Wilbur came into the kitchen where the girls were. "Good morning, you two."  Wilbur said.

"Mornin!" They both yelled. Quackity smiled and waved at the girls. "Mommy, Mister Slime Visited Tilin last night!" Quackity stopped. "It was probably a dream."

Tallulah shrugged, "Okay mama." 

Quackity got a phone call. After a while he looked at Wilbur, "We've got to take Tallulah to the dentist."

"I stay home?" Tilin asked.

Quackity sighed. "With a babysitter."

"Yays!" Tilin yelled. Quackity thought for a bit. "How about Slime?" Quackity asked. Tilin nodded so Quackity called Slime. "Hey buddy!" Quackity said, smiling. "Can you babysit Tilin? I know you've got to take care of Juana, you can bring her. Mkay, thanks! Can you be here in ten minutes? Cool! See ya then." Quackity ended the phone call. "Okay, you're gonna stay with Slime, Wil help Tallulah get ready."

Wilbur nodded and picked up Tallulah, bringing her to the bedroom. Tilin giggled. "Ma? When Slime get hea?" 

"A couple minutes." Tilin Squealed and Quackity smiled. 

After eight minutes a knock came from the door. Quackity opened it, "Hey!" Slime smiled, "Hey Q!"

Tilin giggled and hugged Slime. "Memba when you visit me las nigh?" Slime blinked at her. 

Then he chuckled, "Silly girl, I haven't seen you since the hospital visit." Tilin tilted her head, "So was deam?"

"Mhm." Slime smiled, "That's okay, I'm here now." He picked up Tilin.

"Have fun big Q!" He said, saying goodbye to Quackity and Wilbur. Tilin waved, "Buh bye!" Quackity giggled and waved at them until the car was out of side.

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