Chapter six

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The next day, at the hospital.

Quackity woke up and tried to stretch. "Ow," He whispered. A doctor came in. "Oh, you're awake already?" 

Quackity blinked at her.

"Okaay... Well can you sign these papers? So we can get you out of here." Quackity nodded and signed the papers. He was now allowed out.

 He got dressed in his normal clothes and the doctor led him out of the room, giving him medication. "Take this every night before bed." Quackity nodded. "What time is it?" Quackity asked. "10:34" Quackity nodded.


"Can I have my phone?"

"I suppose it fell out of the car. When the people pulled out the car, it wasn't there."

Quackity groaned. "Then how the fuck do you expect me to get home? Fly? Walk?"

The Doctor sighed. They were used to grumpy patients, it wasn't their fault though. They just got out the hospital after all.

"What number should I call?" She asked. "***-***-****." Quackity replied. The doctor called Wilbur and the phone rang. "Hello, Who is this? I'm a bit busy at the moment, so please make it quick." 

"Please come pick up your husband, Quackity, from the hospital. He's at the gate."

"Alright, I'll be there in a couple minutes."

The doctor hung up. five minutes later, Wilbur arrived. 

"Hey baby! How are you feeling?" 

"Fine. But what about Tilin?" Quackity said, turning to the doctor. 

"She's getting better. Two more weeks." Quackity let out a sigh of relief. "Okay." 

Wilbur grabbed Quackity's hand and helped him in the car. He then got in and drove home. Once they were home all of the kids ran up to hug Quackity and Wilbur. "Hola mi asombroso familia" Quackity said, smiling.

"Mama? Wheres Tilin?"

"She's not here yet baby, a few more weeks, okay?" Quackity said, patting Tallulah's head. "Mom! Are you okay?" Fundy asked, worried.

 "I'm alright, Fundy." Quackity smiled.

 "Awh, I was hoping you wouldn't make it out alive." It was Chayanne. 

"You fucking bra-" 

"Quackity- Calm down, love." Chayanne grinned and stuck his tongue out. Quackity crossed his arms and glared at him. "Imagine having a rivalry with a child." Techno said.

"AHGH- PUTA PERRA, ME HAS ASUSTADO!" Quackity yelled. Techno laughed. 

Quackity rolled his eyes. "Whatever. What time is it?"

"Uh, 12:45"

"Mkay, thanks. Ya'll can leave now, we're back home." Quackity said, smiling. When they all walked out, Chayanne was last. The child whispered, "Finally. It gets tiring being in here with you."

Quackity smiled sarcastically. "Mmh." Wilbur waved goodbye to his family and closed the door. "Alright, who wants lunch?" Quackity asked, smiling.

Tallulah Giggles, "MEMEMEMEME!!" 

Fundy giggled, "I'm hungry!"

Quackity smiles lightly, missing Tilin. He snaps out of it and goes to the kitchen. "What do you guys want to eat?" 

"Sandwiches are okay mama" Fundy said, smiling. Tallulah nodded, agreeing.  

"It's been so long since I've heard Lullah speak. What changed? Why're you talking now, Mija? Not that it's a bad thing." Tallulah shrugged, "Dunno, jus feel like its". Quackity smiled, "Alright." He started to make the sandwiches.

After making the sandwiches Quackity went to his bedroom, leaving his children to eat.

Wilbur was sat on the bed on his phone,"Hi baby," he said, smiling as he realized his husband walked in and was closing the door. Quackity smiled and got on the bed, "Hello, mi vida." Wilbur pulled Quackity into a hug. Quackity purred and wrapped his wings around Wilbur. 

"How're you feeling, darling?" Quackity was on Wilbur's lap now, nothing sexual, just showing affection. "I'm okay, worried about Tilin though." Wilbur nodded and kissed Quackity's head. "I can understand that,  I am too." Quackity pushed Wilbur backward onto the bed and Wilbur pulled him down with him.

Quackity giggled and put his head on Wilbur's chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Alex."


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