Chapter 10

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Slime looked at Tilin, "So what are we gonna do, kid?" Tilin smiled and squealed, getting excited making her babble incoherently. Slime chuckled, "Slow down, I need to understand you." Tilin took a big breath, "Pawrk, Susie, an Hair san!"

Slime nodded, "Park, Sushi, and hair salon." Tilin nodded, "Mhms!" Slime smiled, "Good! Lets go to the park first, kay?" Tilin nodded, running to get her shoes on. After she put them on she ran to Slime, "Re'ey!" Slime picked her up and they went outside to the car.

"There's no car seat." He said to himself. "Lets walk, okay?" Tilin nodded and they walked to the park.

They continued to walk but something was off. This wasn't the way to th park. "Mista Slime? Dis not way t park." Tilin giggled. Slime chuckled, "I know, Tilin."

Tilin stopped walking. "Dis way!" She smiled, grabbing Slimes hand and pulling him towards the park. "We're going to a different park, Tilin." Tilin whines. "No! I like da othr one" She let go and started walking the other direction.

Slime groaned and followed her. Once they got to the park Tilin played for two hours. After that slime took her home. " Hungy" Tilin hummed. Slime shrugged, "Go take a nap, okay?" Tilin pouted then hesitantly obliged, going to her room. Slime followed, waiting for her to fall asleep.

After thirty minutes she was sleeping. Slime walked toward her bed and smiled. "I-" 

The sounds of a door unlocking interrupted him mid sentence.  He sighed. Quackity came into the room. "Oh, you set her down for a nap?" He hummed. Slime nods, smiling. "Thanks!" 

"Of course." Slime walked out of the room, leaving. Wilbur walked in, "I dont trust him."

"Why not?" Quackity question, he wasn't upset with the accusations, just curios. "He's... Strange."

Quackity shrugged, "If it makes you feel better, he won't babysit for us anymore." Wilbur smiled. "Thanks, Q"

Quackity smiled. "Lullah? Come take a nap." Tallulah goes in and gets in bed, falling asleep almost immediately. "Watch the kids for me? I've gotta go get Fundy." Wilbur hummed. Quackity nods.

Quackity sat on a chair in the girls room. Wilbur left, Quackity waited, eventually falling asleep. 


Quackity jolted up and looked around. There was glass over the floor. He saw Tilin and Tallulah. They had also woken up. He walked over and picked them up. They both began to cry, more out of fear than anything.

Quackity walked around the house, looking. He then saw a boy. He was around 4-5 and had a black hood on. "Take the hood off, kid." Quackity sighed. The kid took his hood off- "Chayanne?"

Quackity groaned, "Come on, lets call your dad." Chayanne grinned and followed Quackity to the kitchen. Quackity called Philza, by the time the crow arrived Wilbur had gotten home. Philza picked up Chayanne and they two left.

Short and rushed chapter because I haven't been active lately </3

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