Chapter Seven

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"Fundy!? Tallulah?! Quackity called crawling off Wilbur.

Wilbur got off the bed and they went to the kitchen. The glass was broken and Fundy and Tallulah looked guilty.

"Dios mio..." Quackity whispered. "¿Qué diablos pasó?" He had said it so calmly. Tallulah's lip quivered yet nobody said a thing. 

Fundy's tail was tucked beneath his legs, his ears were down and he was looking at the floor.

Quackity looked around some more. Flour was over the floor and cabinets and their sandwiches were on the floor. Of course Quackity was trying to hide his anger, he'd never want to upset his children but it was a bit hard in the situation. 

"Fundy. Tallulh. Explain to me, what happened." Wilbur asked, though it didn't sound like a question. More of an order. Fundy sniffed, he had started crying. 

"W-We were talking a-about me n-not going to school an-and *Hic* she s-said she never h-had to g-go to school and then I threw my s-sandwich at her. *hic* Then sh-she threw hers and I t-told her where the fl-flour was and we pl-played with it..." He sniffed again.

Quackity sighed, "Ambos vayan a su habitación mientras yo limpio este desastre." 

He didn't sound angry but he only ever spoke Spanish when upset or didn't want someone to understand him.

"O-okay." Fundy whispered. Tallulah and Fundy went to their rooms.

Quackity sighed and they started to clean up the mess. after an hour when they finished, [2:15] Wilbur went to Tallulah and Fundy's room. They were crying. He sighed and called Quackity over. 

"Q, They're crying." Quackity frowned. Of course they both felt bad. They hated seeing their babies cry.

"Fundy, Lullah, come here." Wilbur said. They both walked over, still looking guilty and still crying.

"Look at me, you aren't in trouble." They looked up at him, "You know me and mama don't like to see you all cry. Don't do that again, okay?" Wilbur then patted their heads and hugged them. 

Quackity did the same, "I love you both, okay?" He said. Tallulah and Fundy nodded, they weren't crying anymore, just sniffling.

Quackity smiled, once again missing Tilin. "Are you guys still hungry?"

"Mhm, We won't do it again mama."

Quackity smiled, "I know you won't. Come on, let's go to the kitchen." They followed him into the kitchen and Quackity made them sandwiches again.

This time he waited till they were done before leaving. "I'm gonna watch TV" Fundy said, Tallulah smiled, "Me too!"

Quackity smiled and went to the bedroom where Wilbur was. "Whatcha doing?"

"Watching tiktok." Quackity nodded and jumped onto the bed. "Wil?"


"I love you."

"I love you too darling," He replied, Quackity grinned. "Now put the phone down and come give me kisses,"

Wilbur chuckled and turned off his phone, "As you wish my love." He crawled over to Quackity and picked him up, putting him in his lap. Quackity giggled. 

Quackity kissed Wilbur, smiling into this kiss. Quackity opened his mouth allowing Wilbur to slip his tongue in. 

After a couple seconds of making out, They pulled away, both flushed red. They began to laugh, "The kids could've walked in, quackity." Wilbur laughed. Quackity shrugged, "But, they didn't."

"But they could have!"

"But the door is closed and the rooms are soundproofed" Quackity giggled, purposely annoying Wilbur.

"I know, but still!" 

"They didn't walk in, Quit worrying-"

"I'm not- Fine- Never mind."

Quackity smiled and rested his head on Wilbur's shoulder. "Love you" Wilbur said playing with his wings. No the feathers near his back as that made him horny, but the feathers at the end.

"Me amor tu también, mi vida."

Wilbur heard the words 'amor, tu and mi vida' and just assumed he said it back. Quackity kissed Wilbur, purring slightly. Wilbur chuckled and kissed him back, then pulled away. "What time is it?"

"Uh," Quackity checked his phone. "7:50" He said.

Wilbur nodded, "Kay, the kids have ten minutes."

A Familys Grief [Angst]Where stories live. Discover now