Chapter Three

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"Remember what?"

"Everything! Where you got the scar? How you met Wilbur? How Fundy even came to be with you all? He's not your biological child, is he?"

Quackity laughed at Techno's stupidity. "Look, I have no idea what you're talking about but I got this scar from the same brat who won't leave me alone. And I met Wilbur in a flower garden. Also, if you must know, Fundy is adopted."

Techno blinked twice. "But- I did that? You guys were rivals! I-"

"Techno, mate, you can't explain it to him. There's nothing that can really be done about it. We've all moved on from the Dream SMP."

Techno was baffled. "I- Okay. I guess that's something I'll need to get used to- Wait a goddamn minute. Do people still know me as the blood god?"

Philza smiled, "Of course they do."

Techno let out a sigh of relief.

Tommy got out of the shower, "That was relaxing. Oh hey Big Q, Dad! When'd you all get here?" Wilbur smiled, "They got here five minutes ago."

"Toms. Quackity doesn't remember Dreams server." Tommy gasped. "WHAT?! HOW?!"

"That's what I'm wondering." Techno sighed. Quackity shrugged it off and continued trying to play with Tilin. "Oh and Tommy?" Wilbur started.

"What's up, bigman?" 

"Me and big Q are married."



"I'm not a baby, Mister, I am five." Tallulah said.

Wilbur chuckled, "Yeah, he's the mother of the babies."

"How does a boy have a baby?"  Tommy asked, no longer screaming.

Chayanne stopped bothering Quackity. "How do babies get made?" 

Philza laughed nervously. "How about we stop talking about babies?" The door was being opened again now. Missa walked in. "Welcome home Missa," Philza said. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Tommy yelled.

Philza laughed, "Tommy, Techno, this is Missa. My... Husband.." Techno's jaw dropped. "But What about Mumza?! And the Fridge?! And-"

"Who's Mumza? And there's a fridge in the kitchen." Missa said. Philza laughed. "Mumza, whose real name is Kristin, is their mother. Tommy and Techno are my sons, techno is Wilbur's twin." 

Missa looked confused. "You have other sons who aren't Chayanne and Wilbur?" Philza nodded. "And is Wilbur not adopted?" Philza shook his head. "Oh okay. Is Kristin your romantic love interest?" Philza nodded. 

"And what's this about a fridge?" 

Philza laughed, "Its an inside joke, Missa"

Tommy tilted his head, "So, are you poly dad?" He asked. Phil shrugged, "I guess? I dunno. Missa is my platonic partner though." Tommy nodded. "Oh, okay! So another dad?"

Philza groaned. Why was he the center of all these Questions?

After they had talked to eachother for about two hours Wilbur and his family had to go. 

Wilbur unlocked the door and urged his children inside. "Okay, okay. One, Two, Thr- WHERE IS THREE?!" Wilbur half yelled, playfully.

Wilbur looked around. "TILIN?!" He yelled, Tilin giggled, Wilbur dramatically sighed of relief. "I thought I lost you. How'd you get on my head?"

Quackity smiled. Their happy little family. He loved them ever so much.

Wilbur put Tilin down and She ran to play with Fundy and Tallulah. 

Quackity walked over to Wilbur and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you so much, Wil." He said, smiling. "I love you too, baby." Wilbur kissed Quackity's head. "YUCK! MAMA, DADA! THAT'S GRWOSS!" Tallulah shouted. The two laughed, "What's gross?" Wilbur started, "This?" He kissed Quackity's cheek. 

"PAPA NO!" Tallulah yelled, giggling a little. Quackity laughed. Tilin came in, due to the yelling. "Ulla? Why ellin'?" Tilin whispered. She can talk a little. She says little things and her voice always comes out as a whisper and in a slurred voice.

Tallulah pointed to her parents. "Look at this!" Quackity gave Wilbur a quick kiss.

Tilin gasped. "Uck!" She giggled, then she ran out of the room.  Tallulah put her hands on her hips. "You guys are gwounded!" she shouted, then stomped out the room. Quackity smiled, "They're so cute." Wilbur chuckled, "Mhm."

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