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【Kind of sad part coming soon】

〔 Aqua pov 〕

It's been a month I really need to go check how she is doing . I kinda felt bad about that . Well my parents told me to talk to her and I didn't.  Well I guess I was just confused about who I liked kana or Akane . But now I realized Akane was always there for me . I thought as I was heading to her house . And the fact I didn't saw her this month and she didn't pick my calls up kinda scared me inside .

*Knocks door*
Hello akane ? Aqua called out .
'A lady looking like the age of 50 came out of the house .'
Uh I am sorry ! Do you know akane ? Asked aqua .
Oh that young girl with purplish blue hair ? Questioned the old lady .
Yes ! Her - said aqua .
Oh well she left a month ago . That girl was so sweet I don't know what happend she looked very upset and tired about something.  And she said she might not come back to take her stuffs so she said to throw them away . So I am sure she left and not coming back . Said the lady .
No - no this is not true ! Why would she - I- , aqua was confused.

Ruby !! Screamed aqua .
Yes ? Answered ruby with a questionable look .
Akane - she - left , said aqua .
Oh - wait whatt ? Said ruby .
When ? Why ? Ruby added .
I don't know . I wish I knew this before I would mess up . God - damn it . Aqua said while showing a sign of anger .

1 year later 

It's been a year huh ? Akane said to her self .

I am back in japan .... she thought.

<No one pov>

Aqua wake upppp!! Screamed ruby while pushing aqua . It's a school reunion. 

Yea yea I know . Said a sleepy aqua .

【 aqua pov 】
I got up to ruby yelling at me . I got freshed and took a shower . I am not feeling my self lately.  But yea today is school reunion.  I really don't like using phone too much but I checked my phone again and it's been a year and still no contact.  I have been waiting for 1 whole year hoping to see her again .

〔 At the school reunion 〕

Aqua! Kana said with joy .
Oh hey kana , said aqua with a usual face .
Why do you look so sad ? Kana said while holding his arm .
Please let my arm go , said aqua .
Oh- you don't like it ? Said kana with a annoying voice .
I - aqua was cut off when ruby came running to him and calling his name out .
Aqua ! Aqua ! Ruby was calling him while having a big smile on her face .
Yes ? Said aqua .
Akane- !!!! Ruby just said her and starts jumping in excitement.
Akane ? What about her ? Said kana with a voice that clearly tells she is annoyed.
Akane is backk . She is in the hallways talking to the teachers !!! Go aqua talk to her !! Said ruby .

【 Aqua pov 】

Wait she is back ? I need to see her . I ran to the hallways as these thoughts were running in my mind . I stopped as I was face to face with akane . She looked a bit down . She was faking her smile I could clearly tell . Her eyes were wide when she saw me . But she is still the girl I loved .

【 Akane pov 】

I was about to go to one see my classmates when I saw aqua face to face . My eyes went wide as I saw him . He looks gloomy but slowly the gloomyness starts to disappear as he kept looking at me . I still love him but I was never meant for him . He is too good for me .

Akane- I-

Yall I have to study TvT

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