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*Knocks door*

Mom open the door ! Called out aqua .

Oh hey dear - akane ! Said Ai with a smile on her face .

Mom ? Said aqua .

Yes ? Replied Ai

I proposed to akane .

Oh nice - wait what ? When ?

Mom who is there ? Called out ruby .

Oh it's your brother ruby ! Replied Ai .

Why don't you two come in ? Offered Ai .

Thank you miss , Akane replied with a smile .

Brother you left me at the school - akane ? Ohh I see where this went😏 ! Said ruby with a smile .

< after explaining >

Well aqua I think you did a great job proposing to her . Your father was a scardy cat while proposing to me . Said Ai with a gentle laugh.

Mom don't embarrass dad like that , said ruby .

Ok ok , replied Ai .

So when's the wedding ? Asked ruby .

Soon , replied aqua with while smirking .

K I am doing a happy ending.  And next chapter it's the wedding yall . Yall are invited .

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