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【 Aqua pov 】

I just got the news about what is wrong with akane and why she was sick . Well I still can't belive I am going to be a father . I am going to be a father!! Well now I really need to finish my work fast  and go to akane .

【 Akane pov 】

I woke up and saw the room is unfamiliar. I try to get up but I realized I was in a hospital room then I remembered what happened. 

Akane you woke up . I was so worried , said ruby .

Oka-San , oto-san are also here ? Asked akane .

Yes they are . They are talking to the doctor , replied ruby .

What happend to me ? Asked akane .

Congratulations your becoming a mother , Ai said from behind .

What ? I am becoming a mother ? Does aqua knows about this ? Said akane while having so many thoughts on her mind .

Yes he know . He is really happy . He said he is coming back probably in 2 days , said ruby .

Akane said nothing but smiled .

You can go home now miss akane Hoshino .

Thank you doctor . Replied akane.

[ They went home <|:⁰  ]

Akane sat at her room while rubbing her belly gently* .

I will protect you even if it means I have to give my life away . I will bring you to this world safely . Mama loves you .

〔 6 months later 〕

Aqua was back home . And he became really protective.  He didn't let akane do anything . Akane kinda got mad at this . But what can she do . He doesn't listen to anyone .

Aqua I am bored , akane said with a fake sad look.

Well what do you want to do ? Aqua asked akane.

I don't know . I wanna tell you something about that man .

What about it ? Aqua asked curiously.

"Aqua promise me whatever happens you will protect our baby" . Akane requested him while holding his hands .

Akane we will raise our kid together and we will protect them together. Said aqua with a disappointed face .

Aqua can't you understand any thing can happen anytime .

Akane I am don't with this nonsense. Aqua yelled out .

You don't understand anything . Akane said while sobbing .

Ofcouse I don't . You need to stop saying these .

Aqua left the room with tears running in his eyes .

'After the fight he really didn't talk to her'*
And they kind of became quite . Kana was happy because they were not talking to each other well a week passed by like this and she was closer to the date of her giving birth .

Aqua was at a meeting that day . So akane is alone .

【 Akane pov 】

I was alone as usual.  Well me and Aqua didn't talk unless we needed to . I tried to fix everything but he seems to ignore me . It really hurts me .

*window breaking noise*

Who is that ? Akane thought. As she opened her phone to see the CCTV footage she saw a man not just any man that man that tried to kill her . He is breaking in her house .

Horror began to form in her face . She called the police they were on there way . She locked her room door . And was trying to call aqua .

*Phone ring*

Hello ? Akane I am in a middle of a - suddenly aqua was cut of by akane sobbing and Crying. 
Akane you okey ? Why are you crying ? Aqua asked with a worried tone .

Aqua that man *sob* broke in to the house . The police will *sob* take 10 minutes to be here . He is *sob* already in side ..... *sniff*

What ? Akane lock the room hang on the phone I am coming right now . Said aqua while running out .

Everyone was really confused at the meeting room .

【 Akane pov 】

He was infront of my room trying to break the door down . And he was yelling my name and saying "akane come out" - . I just want my baby to be safe .

【 Aqua pov 】

He is back . I shouldn't have left her alone . Damn it . Traffic signal.  I almost broke all of the traffic signals . I really didn't care only thing in my mind was akane .

Akane can you hear me ? Aqua asked on the phone .

Aqua he is breaking the door down I can't keep him hold for too long .

Wait I am almost there .

Aqua was infront of their house and he ran to their room and saw the man holding a knife just a bit above her stomach.

Akane ! Screamed out aqua .

*The police was outside at the time *

Aq-ua *stab* her blood splashed oh aquas clothes.  The man was laughing like crazy . The police shots him on the arm and arrested him and took him away .

Aq-ua *cough* . Akane said while holding her belly . It H-urts . Ughhh .

Akane everything will be alright . Hold on . I am gonna take you to the hospital now .

*The ambulance was here*

*They took her in*

Aq- *coughs blood*ua please be with someone who will *cough* make you happy . My *coughs blood* baby mama is sorry .

Akane you will be alright . Trust me just hold on . He said while tears ran down his face .

Aqua - sa-yo-na-ra. Take *cough* care . Her vision slowly faded away .

Akane ! Akane ! Hold on we are here ! Screamed out aqua .





Bye yall

Japanese words |

Sayonara | goodbye

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