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This is the last part guys .

【 Akane pov 】

Days past . Kaito is now 3 years old . And I gave  birth to a healthy daughter who is 2 months old now . Aqua is really happy which is what I wanted the most his happiness. Mom , dad , ruby everyone is really happy . And well they are also helping me out a lot . Kaito stays by his sisters side and keeps poking her face which is really cute since he is also afraid is she gets hurt. Everything I ever wanted , I got it .

【 Aqua pov 】

Well we are all happy togather with our life's.  I am really happy . I got what I wanted . Happiness.
And since Akane is here with me I don't have any sadness she is like the sun to my moon .

At the end  it was a happy ending.

Yall I will really miss this book so much . Akanexaqua is my fav ship and I wrote about it . I felt happy . I felt like I dis something  . And well this is the first akane x aqua story in wattpad it was also a victory.  Thank you so much for reading this . Love yall so much .

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