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【 Akane pov 】

It's been 3 years since we got married . But there is something always bothering me and it is I feel like I am being watched . Kana is angry at me and she keeps trying to get close to aqua . But I can't say who he will talk to or not . I don't wanna look like controlling. But I just wanna live now . I have found my happiness.  But recently aqua told me he would be away from home . It's kind of like a fight . He was saying kana is not trying to do anything . She was just talking . Well ruby told him to stay away from kana which he is doing but these days I am mostly alone after aqua left for his works .... I just feel like I should write everything what is happening these days . I am really going insane . Is there anyways that man could find out I live here . I mean yea address leak maybe . I don't wanna be tortured to death .

[ No one pov ]

Heh , so she lives here ? Well great for me her husband is not home . And will be away for a long time . What a sad life . Hahahaha poor soul , Said a mysterious voice in a car .

【 Aqua pov 】

Maybe I should call her to see what she is doing and if got sick again .

*Phone rings*

- Moshi moshi akane desu .

- Akane ? It's me aqua ,  how are you feeling ?

- aqua ! Well just feeling dizzy nothing else .

- don't overwork yourself . Since you are  feeling      sick.

- I want to say something.

- sure go ahead akane .

- can you come back quickly or send someone to be here .

- are you Okey?

- I am fine .......

- akane you are hiding something?

- I am sorry aqua .

- for what ?

- I was controlling and was being annoying about kana .

- forget it . You weren't annoying nor controlling.

- aqua I feel like someone is stalking me .

- wait what ?

- I got few mails written 'I am watching your moves' and 'it's the end' .

- akane don't get out of the house . Until I come back or I send ruby to you .

- okey .....

- akane ?

- .........

- akane ?? Akane ??

- aqua there is someone outside .

Phone call cuts*

【 Aqua pov 】

Akane ?? I screamed at my phone there was no replies she only told there was someone out side . I called ruby to go to my house with dad . I need to go back to home fast as possible. I can't lose her .

Ruby and Hikaru went to akane and aqua's house and kept knocking on the door*

Hello akane its me ruby , called out ruby.

*The door opened slowly*

Akane looked super tired . And Suddenly fainted and ruby caught her before she fell .

Dad she fainted , screamed out ruby while holding her .

Take her to the car . We need to take her to the hospital. Said Hikaru. 

< At the hospital >

Ruby was calling aqua .

*Phone ringing*

- moshi moshi aqua desu.

- aqua it's me .

- yea I know . So are you at my house yet ?

- aqua when I went to your house akane opened the door and fainted instantly. She looked so tired and looked like she was crying .

- akane fainted!!

- we took her to the hospital . Well we are waiting for the doctors.

- please tell me she is alright.

- aqua hold on the doctors are here .

- hello is anyone there? Ruby ?

- omg !

- what happend is she okey ?

- I cant believe the news ..

- what happend ? Ruby ?


What happend to akane ? Take a guess 😉

Japanese words meaning |

Moshi moshi |  hello

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