『 ¹² 』

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Taking care of a baby was already hard then we had our own jobs which was out of context .

Akane gave baby Kaito a bath then she took a bath herself and got ready to leave for her work . She packed her bag and git the stuff baby Kaito needed . Then she took Kaito and left the house .

At her work place her colleagues were coming up to her to see baby Kaito and play with him . They brought him so many gifts . Even tho akane said not to bring anything . And while she did her work mem cho carried Kaito. 

* Phone rings *

- hello akane speaking ?

- hey akane I was wondering if you would like to go out after your work , aqua asked from the other side .

- aqua I have baby Kaito with me .

- don't worry .. you will just have to come to my concert. I want my baby to listen to his dad's new song .

- but it would be so loud out their .

- give them war muffin and stay away from the stage area . Please come ..

- ok I will se what I can do .

- bye :)

- byee

* End of phone call *

Hey mem cho ? Akane called out as mem cho came with Kaito. 

Yes ? She asked .

Well aqua was telling me to go to his concert with Kaito. But Kaito hates loud noises ! She whinned.

Ah don't worry it's gonna be alright! Now you go home since your part is done here and get ready for aquas concert!

Thank you mem cho I need to go now bye ! She said as she took Kaito from mem chos hand and took her bag and left. 

Bye ! She said with a smile

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