『 ¹¹ 』

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[ This story takes part after Kaito was born ]

Aqua ? Akane called out .

Yes , He replied

Where are you ? She says as she was looking for him .

" I am here " ge said as he approached her then hugged her from her back .

Aqua the baby - can you look after him for a bit ? I am going out with ruby and oka san a bit ,  Akane asked him .

Sure ! Why not . You just enjoy your time I know you need it ! He replied.

She kissed him then said " love you " 

Love you too . Now where is Kaito? He asked .

Oh he is in out bedroom , she replied.

Ah okey ㅡ well have a great day ! He says as he went to his room .

Byee ! She replied then left with ruby and Ai .

[ at the mall ]

So what do you guys want to do ? Akane asked .

Buy baby clothes!! Ruby made a sound of excitement.

Ah but don't we have a lot ? Akane asked confused.

Yes but it's kaitos 3 months birthday !! Ai told akane.

But oka san its a lot .... maybe buy him toys ? She suggested.

Okey fine cute toys then it is ! Ai replied.

Let's gooo !!! Ruby screamed then went in one of the shops .

Guys update will be very soon but this chapter was shorter than levi but I promise a big chapters is coming .

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