Chapter 2 - Plan A, B And C (Edited)

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"Yeah no shit, Sherlock!" I yell just as I slam the door behind me and let out an exasperated sigh.

Ginny and her boyfriend, especially her boyfriend are literally the worst people to live with.

I had just gotten into another fight with them.

Well actually it's Ginny's boyfriend who's the dick and Ginny sides with him all the time even when it's literally clear he's in the wrong and a big fucking asshole.

"Don't come back here if you're gonna keep up that attitude." I hear Ginny yell back from inside.

"I literally live here too y'know? I also pay half the rent!" I yell back.

"Well I don't care!" She yells back.

I refrain from entering into this unreasonable yelling contest with her at this point and also to avoid getting any headaches I'll regret later because of it. She's not thinking straight right now and her judgments are clouding her line of thoughts.

You might be wondering what made us get into this fight, well it isn't too far fetched. Simon her dumbass boyfriend doesn't clean up after himself. He comes over and trashes the whole place which I have kept clean and organized on many occasions when he had seemingly come to stay the night with Ginny, but it turns to days and the longest was 2 weeks. They literally did the devils tango almost everyday and at any given moment, my ears still have nightmares from it.

Firstly, he actually uses her to have a place to crash and escape the landlord or whenever he gets into a fight with one of his friends for some days especially when his rent is due in his rented mini apartment. I also have a feeling that he cheats on her but I haven't still found any credible evidence yet and when I do, his sorry ass will learn to treat women with the respect they deserve.

Or I could just ignore it and move on with my life because it's none of my business. It's not like my real parents even cared enough about me. They just left me - whichever one of them it was because as the story goes they can't really remember which, it's been fucking 21 years - in an orphanage and not even a good one at that.

But then again I'm a good person, I know I'll keep getting hurt at the end no matter how many times I tell myself it's different this time because it truly never is. They're all the same.

Only one person ever made me feel like I mattered, gave me the one thing I had always wanted or half of it anyways. Señorita Valeria.

She's a woman who saw me roaming the streets at 10:30pm the same day I had escaped from the orphanage.

They never even cared to look for me. I told you it wasn't all that great of a place. It's a hell hole. I don't know why the universe decided to put me in an orphanage dedicated to all the bad kids out there.

No like seriously, that place is brooding criminals. The kids are so rough, violent and always bullying one another at any given time which led to the constant fights at almost any given hour of the day too. I did not get spared in any of this if you must know. That was the worst 18 years of my life and I hate talking about that place or even remembering it.

I wouldn't say it was all that bad - it still very much is - Mr. Julian was considerate to send me to school till I graduated as long as I did 90% of all the chores... everyday, before I go to school and after I come back.

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