Chapter 4 - Steamy Sessions And Confessions (Edited)

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- This is a not so PG-13 Chapter. Read with caution... and a bucket of holy water by your side 😇 -



"Yeah...?" Daniel replies in a way that makes it sound like more of a question.

"You don't like it?" He asks a bit worried after a few seconds of silence from my end.

"No, it's not that. It's just... I have never been to LA before," I reply "Why did you choose LA?" I asked.


Right. I forgot we we're headed to a boys versus girls game.

"My dad has this property there that would literally fit all of us... it's that big besides it's the summer. LA is great in the summer," he tells me as we began walking towards the pool area where everyone was waiting for us.

"Okay then... we'll tell the others after the game and see what they say," I suggest.

"Yeah sure," he nods.

"What kept you guys for so long?" Blake asks with a smirk. "Having another make out session?"

I knew I should've expected something more coming with the way he had that evil smirk on his face.

"Yes but I'm not sorry because there's no room for one more," I retort and everyone "oohs" while Blake roles his eyes in defeat.

"You boys should keep your banter in check... we've got a game to win," Dereck says rubbing his hands together with a smile.

"Can we play truth or dare?" Chris asks and we all look at him then to where our parents are seated then back at him.



"..." came the responses.

We begin playing a bunch of fun games which thankfully are all PG-13 considering the fact our parents are just gathered at a very short walking distance of sight and hearing and would freak out if they saw their precious little angles grinding on one another, if it were a game of truth or dare. Gabriel kept record of the winners in his makeshift scoreboard of an iPad and eventually after a really tough game of arm wrestling and even Uno, unfortunately for team boys... we lost.

"How did Emily win 4 times in tick-tack-toe?" Leo asks Gabriel who have been explaining the rules of the game to a very frustrated Leo for the past 5 minutes.

"You guys only won because we let you." Bryan narrows his eyes at Addison, Sophie and Natalie who were busy laughing at the whole scenario of a group of defeated looking young men who claimed they could beat them.

"This game is rigged... I demand a rematch," Jake says and all the other boys join in the protest.

I lay back in the arms of Daniel who had rested his head on my shoulder as we watched the whole thing unfold.

"My brain hurts from all the thinking I did today," Daniel said in a muffled voice as he buried his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent.

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