Chapter 9 - DropShipping (Edited)

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- this is a continuation of ch 3, after the flashback -

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
a brief scenes of self harm is included in this chapter.


I had no idea I have been staring at the wall with my backpack in hand until Miss Clara who had come out from her apartment next door with the baked muffins she usually made for selling at the pastry store she ran downstairs tapped me on my shoulder.

"Zelina," she called my name for God knows how many times she's been trying cause I think I zoned out for a couple of minutes back there.

Probablemente debo parecer un bicho raro ahora mismo, I got startled a bit and sighed as the thoughts of the CCTV camera recording a YouTube hit of sone paranormal activity in downtown abbey.

"Hey, Miss Clara... fancy seeing you here," I say with a plastered smile.

"You've been staring at the wall for like 5 minutes now..." she cut to the chase without no hesitation.

This has now been successfully added to my top 10 embarrassing and awkward moments. Just give me the award already. I shall accept it humbly.

"Yeah..." I begin to scratch the back of my head as I thought of a more believable reason. I knew she won't leave me on this one till I tell her. Miss Clara had always known when Ginny and I were having a fight because apparently "Ginny turns up the volume of her music to unimaginable volume and her wallow during that time is louder than it" she once told me when I came to get some bread in her shop downstairs.

"I'm on my period," I blurt out.

"Oh? Those hormones... you get them too right?" She asked placing the back of her hand on my forehead to feel my temperature.

"Mhm," I nod not sure of what else to say.

"You should probably have some rest... where are you off to?" She asks as if suddenly looking at my outfit.

"Just to clear my head and get some fresh air... rent's due," I chuckled nervously not looking at her.

Actually, that's not entirely a lie. I'm fucking broke right now and I  don't have any job at the moment. I mean, I would work for Miss Clara but she is already fully staffed. Opportunities only ever came came when one of her staffs would turn in sick days or leave days so u would usually work as a temporary worker. I really need to get my life together... and that's what I'm heading out to do.

"Okay," she nods in understanding. "Have a muffin," she offers.

"Thank you," I say as I collect one and take a bite.

"It actually tastes really good," I tell her mouthful.

"It's another one of the family's secret recipe," she tells me happily.

"It's good," I take another bite and wave her at which she returns as I leave.

I was getting ready to go meet my friend Andre who told me of some kind of job in some other city. I literally don't know what the job is all about and Andre is someone who does some kind of shady business - now I know you are wondering why him?, well... I did mention I am broke as fuck and he got connections all over and outside this country - which I have warned him I don't want to be part of and he understood it clearly cause he has tried to get me to be his girlfriend but after tackling him down, a few punches here and there, threatening to end his life right there and then... he's kinda scared of me a little... as he should.

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