Chaapter 10 - "Denial Is A River In Egypt" (Edited)

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I look at myself in the mirror after washing my face that's still dripping of water trying to wake up from this nightmare of a reality but it didn't work, I'm still here. Very much alive and breathing.

Ever since the past 2 days after the call, I've never been so happy in recent time. I got to hear from my best friend again and again too when he called Bella while The Gang was there and I had to move aside to get away from their prying ears and jokes about me talking to a girl Bella had introduced me to or something of that sort. I didn't stay long enough to hear but Bella did tell them I'm talking with my grandma who I can't reach from my phone because it's faulty.

Speaking of Grandparents, I haven't even seen any of them since 3 years ago after we had a big family reunion during Christmas. I had no idea I've got so much relatives and extended family. Literally some had to book a hotel to stay in for the period they would be visiting. Although luckily, we got a good spot in the family house. I don't think the loud house is as loud as the family house when everyone came. I did enjoy the fun times tho because our grandparents would give us money to go buy this and that... the memes never lie. We went ice skating, snowboarding and so much things I can't even remember. I don't know why but remembering all of these just makes me want to have a meltdown right here and now and I'm physically just too tired to cry so it's of no point since now, no tears left to cry, so I push the thoughts aside.

It's still quite early in the summer because now we're approaching mid May and if I'm to finalize on me leaving to go stay with my best friend maybe I'll do so on Saturday, which gives me 6 days to tell The Gang I'm going away. I have no idea why this feels hard for me to do. Have I really grown so attached to them that it's not going to be easy to leave them?

Is this what Bella feels?

I will not lie that I've not had good times with them... yes even Santiago although being a dick to me every now and then has also grown fond of me... kinda. I'm not even sure what I'm saying because I'm pretty sure that guy would be the happiest if I left. Then there's Diego and Miguel, those two are really for life they're wonderful people I've come to know even tho at different times one would try to get it on with me with their double meaning words and physical attempts and we would laugh it off at the end. I wouldn't lie, that kinda boosted my self esteem. I mean, no one has actually ever flirted with me since I could remember - Although Bella does so too whenever her friends start teasing us just to play along with them... but we definitely laugh it off too - but it just made me feel a bit better about myself in sone way.

Maybe I've just been too invested with myself with regard to my constant self wallowing and depressed side that I haven't seen the light, even ever so little of staying with these guys. Now that I think of it, my hatred for this place isn't fully for this place but it's my parents. No, don't get me wrong, I don't hate them I've come to realize that if they actually got along well and if my dad actually liked me and didn't want to throw me out - I mean I'm eighteen now, the thought is already growing on the back of his mind like a moss, I can feel it in my guts - I could've seen this place through a different perspective.

As the realization hit me, I dragged my feet back to my room where I saw the things I had started to arrange. Lowkey, I felt like not even going anymore... maybe I'll tell Bella that I've changed my mind, I'm not leaving for good I'm only going to visit my best friend for the summer. That makes sense right?

I cover my face in frustration and run a hand through my hair. These thoughts are beginning to get the best of me. Focus. That's what I need to do right now. Is this how adults actually contemplate on things they wanna do? This being an adult thing is hard. I'm sorry but I wanna be 17 again.

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