Chapter 11 - Wolves In Sheep Clothing - (Edited)

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- Texts In Italics Are Past Events -

• For reference read Ch 66 on TRBA Season 1 to understand the first part of this Chapter •

Also, fair warning... there's some NSFW Content on here... read with caution and a bucket of holy water to cleanse your eyes.... You have been warned 😆


My whole body froze.

I didn't know what to think or do anymore right now.

My heart is beating at its fastest rate ever and suddenly the temperature around me has gotten pretty chilly.

Whoever this man was, he knew something that I didn't, vital information about my mother which he seemed to be very confident about. No one has ever talked to me about my mother, it had seemed like people were afraid to mention it to me for some reason. Not like I had asked them about it and they freaked out, It's just something I knew while growing up. Although my dad has only mentioned her a very few

"B-but how can that be possible? A-after all these years?" I asked bewildered by the the fact that what he just said might be true.

That sentence this man used, I don't know why but it seems awfully very familiar. I know I've heard it somewhere but I just can't put a finger on it right now. It is that very sentence that made shivers run down my spine. That's even the reason it scared me the most.

"I know exactly where your answers lie right now... I can even tell you... her first name," The man paused and so many questions began to swirl inside my head right now.

If what this man says is true, then where had he been all these years?  Why is he only appearing out of nowhere to me mow? Can this all be a prank or something? I was cut off from my train of thought when he spoke again.

"Are you too stunned to speak or have you suddenly gone dumb? I know you are smart enough to understand what I meant and it's the truth," He pauses before adding, "I'm sure your dad has been hiding this from you and there are a lot of questions you've never had answers to that you seek".

"W-where are you going with all of this? You're one crazy man you know that? You're talking nonsense," I muster up some courage to say something even tho my head is spiking right now.

I hear a hearty laughter from him and it's got this ring to it that is a bit painful to the ear so I close my eyes as I wince at the silent pain as a result of this.

"I'm not the one who's shaking in my boots, Sonny. Do you think I would call you and spend this much time with you on a call if I didn't have any vital information?" He asks and I double-check the pros and cons and finalize on the fact that he wants something in return but I don't know what that could be.

"What do you want exactly?" I finally asked.

"Ah yes... that's right... you're quite smart. I think I underestimated your intelligence a little bit but then again, before I tell you what I want... let me give you what you want, all the information you need that way, we'll be even right?" He asks.


This guy is good with psychology and he has a way with words. They are so convincing and they can easily trap their prey. As someone who has had meetings with quite a good number of people, his kind are the ones I despise the most. wolves in sheep's clothing. They are the worst. Fear them.

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