Chapter 14 - Night Bus (Edited)

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- this chapter may likely contain bits of NSFW scenes and actions  and strong use of that language. no but seriously... hey your holy water right now and keep it next to you 😅 -


What the fuck just happened?

My dad's eyes could very much portray that question as he looked me up and down before once again turning his attention to my now scattered room. I could've sworn I didn't touch or move anything. It just happened.

"I'm so sorry, I... was just... having a breakdown. I'll arrange my room," I covered up as I rose to my feet cautiously in order yo avoid any further suspicious activity. Though the flickering lights in my room aren't if any help. My dad has a fair idea that something with me isn't right but he isn't sure what it is either and while he may act all tough and buff around me, deep down he's a little bit scared.

"Let this not happen again," He says and turns to go before looking at my once arranged suitcase.

I don't say anything this time because I don't think he'll believe me. I'd like to actually sneak out of this house without him knowing any of my plans. Finally after contemplating whether to speak further or just let me be, he does the latter and doesn't shut the door behind him causing me to let out a tired sigh.

After a tiresome time of rearranging my room, I don't know when I fall asleep but I'm awaken by my usual alarm clock. Quarreling... by my parents. I ignore them and focused on myself as I got refreshed and actually planned my day. Whatever happens, I will leave here on Saturday evening so I can arrive at my destination early on Sunday morning. However, I will need to settle some things first.

"It's me, Jacob," I answered loudly from the porch as I heard footsteps coming closer to the door.

"Come in, Come in," Talia ushers me in as she opens the door with mittens in her hands and a loosely tied apron.

The air smelt of baked pastries which made my stomach churn in want. One thing I've come to know about Bella's mom is that she loves to bake during her free time and try out new recipes every now and then. She's indeed a woman of free spirit and I liked that about her.

"Thank you. Is Bella around?" I asked like I hadn't just left her in a crying mess at some party yesterday.

"Yes, she's in the garage," She replied already halfway to the kitchen.

"Ok, Gracias," I thank her.

My heart is beating fast as I came closer to the garage. Many thoughts ran through my head on what her reaction on seeing me would be. Would she be mad at me for leaving? Is Santiago okay? What about the twins? I just fear that I'm going to hear the worst news but u lowkey pray it isn't too bad.

"Are you looking for me?" Bella's voice started me causing me to flinch.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

Bella gives me an apologetic smiles as she comes into view with a cardboard box in hand.

"Sorry about that," She says and hands me the box which was quite heavier than I imagined.

"Uhm... okay?" I say, unsure of what I'm supposed to d with it.

"We're taking them outside and loading them in the truck. My dad bought some tiles for my uncle. He's moving into town not too far away," She explains and I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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