Chapter 6 - Date At The Lake /Part 2/ - (Edited)

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What the actual fudge?!?!?! A double update?!???!?!? When we're just starting the season?!?!?!! Yes?!?!?!?!?!? 🥹


"I... I Uhh-... I'm going on a date with Marc," I paused to see his facial expression. It doesn't change. He just stares at me blankly.

"And...?" He asks.

"I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend," I add.

'Ding' the oven timer goes off indicating the cookies were ready.

A small smile appears on his face that turns into a grin and he envelops me in a hug and spinning us around. I laugh as he does so especially when he coos "Aww my little baby boy is grown up so much.".

He sets me down but doesn't let go of me fully, his eyes met mine and I noticed his light blue eyes hold some kind of glint to it. Slowly, he lets go of he just as the smile on his face turns into one of those sad doctors smile while they are about to reveal the saddest news in one's life. I'm not going to lie, this very moment looks like a very sad scene in movies.

"You go get him champ." he pats my shoulder just like coaches do to their star athletes.

Nodding in response, I turn to leave then I remembered the cookies.

"Can I have some cookies-?"

"No." he smirks.


- Hey... where r u?

Marco ❤️
- I'll be there in 10

I dropped my phone and quickly got dressed in a milky white outfit; long pants and sleeveless shirt. I've just had the aesthetic in my head for a good while now and thanks to the ones from Insta and Pinterest. I put on a light gold chain accompanied by some hand and wrist accessories. While I still debated on how to style my hair - I do have a personal hair stylist but he travels all over the world so much that I forget he exists, yeah I think I I'll give him a call or look for another or both - I got a text on my phone, I looked at the illuminated screen and I see it's a text from Marc.

Marco ❤️
- Missed me already? 😏

I chuckled and send him a response. He knows me so well already. Whenever I see his texts, it always warms my heart.

- ✨no✨

Hitting send, I hurry up with whatsoever I was doing and especially not forgetting to carry something special for today. I go downstairs and quickly get a big mat to contain the foods and all and then a blanket and two pillows. By the time I had gone to the kitchen I could already hear Marc's voice from not too far away. It sounded like he was on a phone call.


This is meant to be a surprise.

"Blake!" I yell.

"What the actual fuck, man! I nearly spilled my chips!" Blake glares at me from where he sat in the living room. Yep, it's an open floor plan.

I give him an apologetic look, "Please stall Marc," I beg.

After letting out an audible groan he gets up and goes to do as instructed. This gave me time to sneak the food in the baskets and the cooler which contained the drinks into the car, whist not forgetting the mat, blanket and pillows, including some other things I felt like we might need. When I was done, I go out to see Marc throwing chips in the air for Blake to catch them with his mouth. Marc is too distracted to notice my presence so I take it as an opportunity to sneak behind him and cover his eyes with my hands.

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