Chapter 3 - M & Z (Edited)

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- This is a continuation from the previous chapter -

- Texts in Italics are past events - 

- Also this chapter is a long one grab your popcorn -


My heartbeat had literally skyrocketed and I'm surprised I didn't have a stroke already.

Why is Michael having a gun in his possession? No, wait... actually, don't answer that. I'm not surprised at this point. He could have an AK-47 Rifle in his possession and I still wouldn't still be surprised.

But then again his room is a very different contrast to his personality. Why am I thinking about his personality at my point of death?

Será mejor que te recuperes, Zelina.

I don't think that will even be necessary because he will probably decapitate my body and sell my organs to the the black market, make a fortune and then take over the world.

Don't mind me being over dramatic right now but I'm literally at my point of death, remember?

God knows what other deadly weapons he must have emptied from his bag on the bed.

I see him reaching down to try and collect the pistol from the ground and instinctively I use the handle of the broom and push it closer to him.

Yep. You guessed it right.

I'm literally digging my own fucking grave right now. 

En momentos como este me arrepiento de tener instintos.

He picks it up anyways and surprisingly doesn't notice a thing.

I stay put under the bed and making uncountable number of prayers so that he doesn't look down and leaves the room at some point because may start looking for me soon.

I wonder wha he's doing up there as the room is silent and the only thing that can be heard is the muffled noise of the other kids outside.

I had no idea how much time had passed but I think I nearly doze off at some point but I wake up immediately as I see him stand up in the middle of a call.

I don't care to eavesdrop on his conversation as this is possibly my one and only opportunity to get out of here.

It takes a few seconds but I notice him moving in the direction of a door... which I supposed should be the bathroom.

I poke my head out first to make sure the coast is clear but he nearly catches me as he turns around and I slide back inside hitting the back of my head on the frame in the process thereby making a slight 'thud'.

He acknowledges this sound as his eyes scanned the room but seeing nothing he dismissed it as a noise from outside.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go now, okay? I'll talk to you later. I love you too." His back is turned to me but I can tell he has a smile on his face as he says that last part.

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