Chapter 13 - Homies (Edited)

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- please read this chapter with caution, this chapter has been marked as HDOA (Homies Display Of Affection) and may not be suitable for all readers, read at the our own caution... you have been warned 😅⚠️🔞 -

- all characters mentioned here are above 18 years of age and are not minors -

(Please read the A/N at the end of this chapter... if you decide to still go ahead and see for yourself why this chapter is marked HDOA 🤷🏼‍♂️)


I'm shaking and trembling like crazy but I still manage to pick myself up and stare at all the pairs of eyes looking right back at me.

I don't know why I had to see what I just saw now. It was scary seeing the gunshots so vividly like it was real. It felt like I had just gotten teleported to another dimension just to witness the horrific scenes unfolding in front of me. Everyone was looking at me as if I had somewhat lost it and I may have to slightly agree with them on that because I have no idea what's wrong with me either.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Santiago asks.

"I..." Nothing comes out of my mouth as I tried to speak.

"It's, uh..." I tried to speak but I'm too nervous to do anything.

Bella notices this and comes to my side.

"It's okay, take deep breaths..." She instructs and I obey.

"Now, what's wrong?" She asks calmly after a few seconds seeing that I've calmed down much better.

"I saw... in... a vi- dream where something bad happens at some party I go to and Santiago gets in trouble. I just remembered it as he stops me from falling," I say looking while not making eye contact with her or anyone else in the room.

Santiago scoffs and mutters incoherent words I couldn't decipher. The twins looked at each other a bit relieved. Hannah is still looking a bit skeptical about the whole thing as she still has no idea what's going on.

"Oh fuck you too Jacob, it always has to be me," He rolls his eyes as he crossed his arms across his chest revealing his tattoos and very muscular arms.

"There you are Hannah, Come, Victor is about to pass some shots," A random girl wearing a seductive outfit comes into the room not being fazed by the fact we were in a tense atmosphere.

"I'll be there in 2," Hannah dismisses and the girl leaves.

"I do think it's only a dream and everything's going to be fine," Bella reassures but I gave a hesitant nod in agreement.

"Pensé que algo malo había pasado, no me asustes como ese hombre," Miguel lets out a sigh of relief as he chuckles and his twin gives a smile in agreement.

"B-but-" I tried to speak but Bella cuts me off.

"Wait, were you just about to tell them?" Bella asks.

"Yeah, I... I've told them," I turned to look at the twins and then back at Bella.

"I was just going to make the announcement before I tripped," I chuckled nervously as I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment as I remembered what just happened.

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