Part 15 - The Coffee Date

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Virat kept counting the days left in their Nasik holidays. 3 more days before they go back. Just 3 more... and he hasn't completed anything that was in his wishlist for him and Pakhi during the trip.

He wanted to tell her he loves her. Well, atleast make her feel that he does, and this time its not for any responsibility sake.

He wanted a dinner date with her.

Well... he can do all that in Mumbai too. But this place was special. This was were their journey started.

"Hmmm" he took a deep sigh and decided he will have some coffee time with her this evening. He texted her and grinned widely when he got a thumbs up smiley in return.

He never thought confessing his feelings for her was this difficult. He was never good with openly saying things, but he expressed it in his care and concern for her. But, when you have travelled so long with someone, then this chotti chotti efforts of care can easily go un noticed. When you are a boyfriend, or even just friends, if you wait up for your girlfriend for sometime, then that effort counts. If you just get them an icecream of their favorite flavor, even that gets appreciated as how much you value their choices and remembers every detail about them.... but, being married is a different thing. Nobody will appreciate you for waiting for wife, or getting her favorite things for her. She would hardly notice it. Because in a marriage these are all expected things that you have to do for your partner.

Virat shook his head and admitted to himself that until he speaks in clear terms that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life together with her, as husband and wife and not just Vinu's parents, she isn't going to understand . These subtle hints don't seem to work.

He had completed the day's meetings and was about to call her when she called him.

"Haa Pakhi, bolo "

"Virat.... I know we have to go for a coffee this evening, but..."

"Haa ... "

"I am afraid , I might be late "

"Kyun " his face fell.

"Yaar ! Shlok Sir wanted me to accompany him for shopping. He is here for the first time. So he needs some help... "

Virat felt a sigh of exasperation escape him. "Now where did this guy come from ! Can't he go shopping alone... is he of Vinu's age that he needs to be wrapped around the little finger " he muttered to himself

"Virat ??? "

"Haa.. "

"What you say... shall I go? You know I feel so awkward "

"Why .... you dont need to ask for permissions from me,Pakhi... you know that ! It's ok, we can have coffee together anytime, anyday. If he has asked for a help... then you should. "

"Are you Sure ? "

"Yeah... "

"Hmm... I don't know. It's difficult to say no to him. But at the same time, you know I don't know him that much personally to go for shopping... "

Virat's frustration just took a back seat as he saw her being tensed to make such simple decisions. Hmm... too much stress literally puts people in self doubt forever.

"Pakhi... you should go. Will you feel good if you say no to him? No, right ? Then you should go. "

"Okayy... but then you had some plans for us ... "

"That's perfectly fine... we will go tomorrow "


"Ok then... "

"Virat... virat... suno "

"Haa... kya hua"

"You do one thing... I will call you after the shopping, and we can have dinner together "

Virat's face bloomed with a smile

"Sure... you know what ! That's a great idea. Infact the best. My wife is the best "

She felt a little odd that he was saying "my wife" so freely these days, no hesitation at all...


"Bye "

Virat went back to hotel room to freshen up and reached the place Pakhi texted half an hour earlier and waited in the car.

A little later he saw Pakhi and Mr.Shlok come out of the shop.
"Ok... so this is him "
Nice guy ! Infact quiet good looking... chalo, time to go and meet him. After all he is someone that Pakhi respects so much. "

Pakhi saw Virat and she smiled. When they were about to meet, Virat saw the other delegate walking behind them trip and fall over the steps. He rushed to the old man and held him from falling.

Pakhi and Shlok seemed to be shaken with what happened . But the old delegate assured them he is all ok and thanked Virat.

"Thankyou so much, Sir " Mr. Shlok said with a sense of thanking written on his face.

Pakhi was so proud of Virat for his ever helping nature.

Virat strangely felt at ease with Mr.Shlok. Their ice breaking happened in the most unexpected ways and it was easy to guess that both were impressed with each other. Shlok was in awe of Virat for saving the senior delegate and Virat was impressed by how gentle this man was ! So courteous.

Together they all had coffee... while Pakhi and the elderly delegate talked about the day's events, Shlok and Virat just kept smiling.

It stayed in Virat's mind, how respectful Shlok was to Pakhi..
From whatever that Pakhi told him about Shlok, he expected a short tempered , serious artist and here this guy was really cool.

Shlok would hold the door when Pakhi walked in , he would do the same for the elderly man too.... speaks volumes about a person's behaviour.

Virat's mind went back to the day he and Pakhi met. If he hadn't been there in her life, she might have married someone like Shlok. Someone who treated her with respect, and lived a peaceful life. Pakhi was never someone who created drama, didn't want any special attention on her, didn't want anyone praise her... she was just happy living her life travelling and exploring. But then , he and Chavan Nivas happened to her. Him along him with the baggage of another egoistic woman and her never ending tantrums had turned Pakhi's life upside down and turned her into something horrible that she herself struggled to love.

Virat was completely lost in his thoughts. The tiny bits of jealousy he had for Shlok had now turned into admiration. Somewhere in his mind he felt, Pakhi deserved someone like Shlok in her.

But that was for a second. "Wait... what are you thinking , Virat. You aren't going to give up Pakhi for anyone now " he could hear his mind voice.

"Ofcourse.. why would I ? And its not like Shlok or whatever likes her... its just me over thinking " he assured himself.

Pakhi noticed Virat shaking head, a fleet of expressions on his face...
'What is he doing "

She held his hand under the table tightly trying to bring him back to the moment, without others noticing it.

Virat looked at her surprised.

She raised her eyebrows as if to ask him where is he lost.

Virat couldn't believe something so domestic like holding hands under a table could happen between them. He looked at her with wide eyes.

Precap : who is Mr.Shlok ?


Thankyou for reading... please ignore the typos and errors. I have been too busy with work. But I really love writing about Virat and Pakhi. It's kind of relaxation for me😀 so I would continue writing even if the updates are a little late .... sorry for that . Hope you enjoyed reading.
Do let me know in comments .

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