Part 16 - Unsaid words

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Virat looked surprised at Pakhi ,who was holding his hand under the table . Though she was asking him something he was lost in the moment . 

Shlok cleared his throat and said "I think... now we should go back and let these two continue their dinner plans . 

 Pakhi looked  embarrassed and shy all at once and looked at Virat wanting him to leave her hand .

"Viraattt... what are you doing "

"hein... maine kya kiya.. you were holding my hand " he looked around confused .

She leaned near him and whispered in a rough tone "achaa... I  wanted to ask you where you were lost , but that was 5 minutes ago, now you have been holding my hand since then, everybody is  looking at us "

"Oh! " Virat looked sheepishly around and saw Shlok pretending to engage the other delegates in a conversation  so as  not to embarrass the couple anymore. 

Pakhi 's angry looks made Virat leave her hand, though he was not one bit sorry for what he did. It was his dinner date after all . 

"I think we should go back, now " Said Shlok .

"yeah..." the delegates agreed , Pakhi too stood up to leave 

Virat was like , why should "we go back ", if they are done with the dinner , they can go , he still needs some more time to be with his wife . 

"Aao naa, Virat . "

"Haa.. yes, Coming "

He was about to open the car door , when Shlok  made a suggestion .

"Why don't we all just walk back to the hotel . I mean, if you guys don't mind .  I will tell these guys to get the car back there . we can just walk around a bit . Nice weather ... cool breeze ... Sir will love it " he said pointing to the senior delegate . 

"That will be great " said the delegate . 

"Sure, lets go , come naa , Virat " Pakhi said with a genuine happiness on her face . 

Though Virat wasn't happy with the plan , her being happy about it , made him go along . 

They walked by the river bank and the temple . It was his dream to take her over here and refresh the nice moments they once had here . But when it is happening , neither is she with him , nor she knows what is in his mind . 

As the reached the steps that lead to the river , he slowly held her hand as they were walking . Pakhi who was busy talking with everyone just looked a little bit surprised . He looked away trying to convey to her that it was a simple act out of love. She also let him hold her hand. 

The hotel they were staying was ahead of the one that Shlok was staying in. 

"It was nice meeting you Virat " Shlok said 

"oh yes ! Likewise . It's been a pleasure meeting you all. It's been a dream for Pakhi "

"Pakhi?" The senior  and Shlok asked in unison .

"OH! I am so sorry ... Patralekha . I call her Pakhi . "

"Nice name , Pakhi ma'am " Shlok's remark felt a bit odd to Virat . Yes, this guy has been very impressive in his manners , but that being said , he doesn't have to address her as Pakhi . That's too personal .

"Hey, young man.... good night then ! " said the senior delegate . 

Virat and Pakhi smiled and waved at them .

Back in the hotel room , Pakhi's mind had too many questions . 

"Why does Virat look so lost now and then, what's ailing his mind ?"

Virat himself was agitated at his mood fluctuations. He didn't know why he felt so uneasy when someone else called her Pakhi . After all, it's not a name that he alone calls. Her family calls her that. Probably her friends too . Then, what's the problem ! He  was either way happy that Pakhi was finally coming out of her shell and beginning to live her life .

Both of them walked together  towards the dressing table lost in thoughts and  bumped into each other . His face accidently touched her cheek and they stayed like that for a moment . Both of them didn't speak, neither they came out of the stance they were in . Her eyes looked for answers , while he was worried that she might not like the proximity they were in , though it was not intentional . 

"I... I am sorry .... I didn't notice... s..sorry" he stammered .

"No, it's ok, Virat ... it's all fine " She said adjusting her clothes. 

"Virat... you don't have to be so formal with me "

He couldn't believe what he heard ! here , his wife has finally told him that he doesn't have to be formal with her . Did she just accept that she knows he loves her ? 

Before his face bloomed into a smile, she said something that brought his world crashing down again . 

"You don't have to be so formal with me , when we are out with others. You don't have to hold my hand or walk closely with me . I know we see a lot of lovey dovey couple around us like that . Our relationship is different , right ? We know that . We are Vinu's parents  and... "

"We are ! but.... we are not just that Pakhi . what do you mean to say?" he asked with a gloom shadowing his face. 

"That you don't have to behave like a husband before others . " she said in one go . "It's ok if you don't hold my hands . 

"Pakhi... let me tell you one thing, I am not doing all this to show everyone that I am your husband . It doesn't matter to me what others think. I held your hand, because I wanted to . "

"I know Virat . Please don't get me wrong , that I am blaming you. I know you are not proving it to anyone. All that I am saying is you don't have to do it for me also. Others might be taking their wife out for a dinner or walking together holding hands , but you don't have to do that to make me feel happy . Just like You wanted me to be real and happy in life , I also want you to be free  and just be you in your life . "

"Pakhi... you are getting it all wrong ... i... "

"I know Virat... there have been times , when I wanted to be close to you. I wanted to be your wife in the real sense , and wanted you to love and respect me like a wife , and I did some things that made me feel disgusted about myself . Then , I gave up . But , destiny brought us here in this phase of our relationship . If at all Life taught me something , it's this . Not to wish too much from anyone , not to try for anything that fate hasn't planned for you . Now I am happy that I have you in my life , our Vinu and Our beautiful family , jaise bhi ho ... our family ! That's all I want . So, you don't have to live in guilt and make these extra efforts to make me happy . You should do only what your mind feels right  for you . Nothing else .

He didn't know how to respond.  Is this what she thinks about him ? That he is trying to be in this relationship for her happiness alone? How does he  now make her trust that he loves her, as much as she wanted him to love her all these years or perhaps even more.

Precap - while Virat tries to make Pakhi understand his feelings, Shlok invites them to a short sight seeing trip to a near by place

😃 Thanks for reading ! Hope you liked this part. Hope its not dragging... Shlok's identity will be revealed in the next updates. It's not something too serious 😁

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