Chapter 3: "It's gonna cost him."

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I arrived to school early for a change, no nightmares to keep me from sleeping in this time. The sun was warm as I walked to school, my shoulder slightly aching from the extra weight of my P.E kit and multiple textbooks, it was a good day I had decided. Though I doubted it would last very long. 'Hardly anyone was in the parking lot when I did arrive at school, a small smile on my face for a change. 

Pushing open the heavy metal door I stepped into the almost empty corridor and made my way to my locker; not bothering to rush. I stumbled slightly when I noticed Noah standing in front of Alice's locker. Realising he must have been waiting for her I picked up my casual pace again.  Trying to act like his presence wasn't making my palms sweat; I fiddled with my locker dial until I managed to twirl in the combo. I kept my bag on my shoulder and pulled out my math textbook.

"Uhm...Hey?" Noah's smooth voice floated towards me and I froze. Was he on the phone? I waited for him to continue his conversation but when the seconds ticked by with complete silence I decided I was imagining things. Closing my locker I leaned casually against its cool metal frame keeping my attention away from Noah. Well I tried to until:

"Are you ignoring me?" He spoke louder this time and I knew I couldn't have been imagining. I could see him watching my reaction with an amused smile; his hazel eyes glittering with laughter. I turned my head to face him keeping my expression blank.

"Should I be?" I asked unsure of how to handle this situation. He bit his lip at this, trying hard not to laugh at me. I tried hard not to roll my eyes. Let's see who gives up first? 

"Well I'll ask you what I came here to ask, then you can decide if you want to ignore me or not. That sound good?" He asked me running his slender fingers through his russet curls with a small smile that, in a way, I'm guessing was meant to 'woo' me, or charm me enough into listening to him anyways. Really, all it made me think was 'does he have dandruff?'  I moved my eyes away from his oddly amusing hair and back to his face, his very pretty face. He was indeed pretty. For a boy anyways. 

"I'm all ears." I said turning back to face the front and sighing slightly. I had to admit, I was curious. 

"Great!" Noah said, sounding way to enthusiastic for this time in the morning. "Okay, well I was hoping that you would uhg..." He began to kick the ground with the toes of his shoe and watched the action with a scowl.

"Yeah...?" I prompted hoping to speed up this weird conversation. He took a deep breath and looked back down at me. How strange to see one of the top bad boys acting like a little shy toddler.

"Can you tutor me?" He blurted his eyes begging me. On the other hand, my eyes widened and my mouth formed a little 'o'. I wasn't expecting that.  I internally freaked out a little here. He wanted me to be his tutor? Me? As is the little nerd with a big mouth-me? Why? Oh my God...I have heard what he does with his so called 'tutors.' He couldn't be thinking I would do the same thing-right?

"No way in hell dude. There is no chance I'm gonna be one of your little whorey slut's." I said crossing my arms over my chest with a huff. I turned to face him and saw his jaw drop and eyebrows hit his hairline.

"That," he actually took one of his hands from his pockets to cover his mouth at this point, "is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!" His laughter finally bubbled over his hand while his other hand clutched his sides. I glared at him and clenched my jaw tight. Did this mean I win? 

"Glad I amuse you." I managed to mutter through my increasing anger. His laughter only got louder and I turned back away from him again. That's when I noticed the corridor was filling up with people and some of them were watching us curiously. Though a few of the girls looked down right murderous, this almost made me laugh. Almost. I refrained from sticking my tongue out the idiotic Barbie's and dragged my attention back to Noah. He was still chuckling lightly but his hands were back in his pockets and his cheeks were tinged faintly with pink from laughing too much. 

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