Chapter 38: "Don't make me do the airplane noises."

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I am going to kill the next person who asks me: ‘what exactly happened?’

Jaden and I have been locked up in one of those interrogation rooms with the tiny table, tape recorder and a one way mirror that is completely useless nowadays since everyone knows it’s one way.

“Look, I told you. I threw the remote at his face, punched him and kicked him in the nuts. How hard is that for you guys to understand?” I sighed out to the police man sitting opposite me.

He looked at his female partner knowingly then they both looked at Jaden who was struggling to keep his laughter down.

Every time I mentioned the whole: ‘remote throwing’ part he lost all of his composure and went into a fit of giggles.


But I was thankful to him, again, before coming here I had begged him to not say anything about my Dad. If he did things could get far worse. And without a single arguing point he nodded and promised he wouldn’t say a thing.

“Yes, but understand that, to us, a girl as small as yourself taking on an intruder alone is a bit hard to believe.” The woman said her voice kind and gentle but her blue eyes glaring daggers at me. Like it was my fault the guy attacked me, and it was my fault they won’t believe me when I said I kicked his ass!

“Look, Elly can send me to the floor when she wants to. So just hurry up and let us sign our testaments and let us get the fuck out of here before I call my Mum, Alexandra Blake, to get down here and sue your asses for holding us without reason.” Jaden finally said leaning forward onto the table, wincing a little when the movement tugged on his ribs.

That’s right; he has at least three bruised ribs. Our lovely visitor had taken the fire extinguisher from the hallway wall and rammed it into his chest, completely winding him and allowing the psycho to come in and get me.

But the cops didn’t believe that story. I have no idea why they would think we are lying.

I looked away from Jaden’s wince and back to the two police officers who had completely paled at the mention of Jaden’s Mums name. If I remember correctly, she was a very big lawyer. Owned her own company and everything.

“No! That won’t be necessary! Here, just sign your names at the bottom and you can go!” The fat, sweaty, man said pushing two sheets of paper and a pen towards us.

Go Jaden’s Mum!

“So you admit to the fact that I did beat that guy up?” I questioned, holding the pen just above the dotted line.

Jaden smirked and ran a hand through his messy hair.

The blonde, extremely ticked off, police woman nodded and I smiled sweetly in return before signing my name and passing Jaden the pen.

“Let’s go.” Jaden muttered standing and gently taking my arm in his wrapped up hand.

I nodded and allowed him to pull me out of the room leaving the two officers very disgruntled.

Jaden casually slipped his hand into my own bandaged one as he lead us back to the main office of our local police station. I watched our hands with mild curiosity unaware that we had come to a stop.

“Oh thank God you guys are okay!” My head shot up and the sight that greeted me had me grinning from ear to ear.

Noah and Lily were sitting on the two available plastic chairs in front of the large reception like desk, holding each other’s hands firmly. Lily looked as though she had been crying, and I was instantly reminded of my own breakdown earlier and the safe hold that enveloped me when I did.

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