Chapter 11: "I feel like something really bad is about to happen."

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On Saturday I had a very horrible phone call from Cassidy, one that involved talking about Jaden.

“I can’t believe he actually asked me out!” Cassidy half yelled down the phone for the millionth time. I think my ears had begun to bleed.

“Neither can I,” fucking pig, I managed to keep the last part to myself as Cassidy seemed so happy by this idiocy. I can’t believe he went there after I had warned him not to mess with my friend. I know I don’t know him anywhere near enough to be able to tell him what to do but if it’s about Cassidy I will flip a lid if I have to.

When Cassidy phoned me to tell me she had a date with Jaden tonight I was so angry I had to refrain from punching a wall-my landlord would go ape shit-and remember how to breathe.

But, Cassidy was so bloody happy as she asked me what she should wear and if Jaden had ever talked about her before this. If only she knew. That’s the troubling thing; she does know, everyone knows about Jaden Blake: the notorious playboy/ bad boy extraordinaire. But not everyone can resist his charms; I guess he just added Cassidy to that list.

“Cass just be extra careful okay? You know what he is like.” I said switching my phone to my left arm as my right started to get a cramp.

“You don’t have to worry so much Elyon, Jay is actually really nice.” I balked at the nickname and held my tongue from using one of my own colourful nicknames for him.

“He’s a playboy! Cass promise me you won’t do anything stupid!” I said my anger flaring into the phone again.

“I won’t! I’m glad you think so little of me Elyon! I’m hanging up now; I have to get ready for my date!” And with one last angry huff she hung up on me leaving me staring at the phone in shame and anger.

I threw my phone onto the cushion beside me on my sofa and bit my lips nervously. I feel like something really bad is going to happen.

And it did.

I marched around the unfamiliar streets to the flat I had only been to once with a fierce determination that burned in my palms. I was going to kill him. I was going to tear him from limb to limb until there was nothing left but pig feed!

“Hello?” Noah’s voice echoed from the small speaker beside the metal doors that lead to his home. I grimace slightly when I realised he was going to get in my war path.

“Noah it’s Elyon let me up.” I ground out my voice flat and toneless. There was a pause and I knew he understood why I was here.

Earlier this morning, it’s now Sunday, I had a crying Cassidy on the other line her voice all wobbly and screechy. She told me about her date and why exactly she was phoning me at nine in the morning.

She had woken up in an empty hotel room, naked and very sore.

So of course I head to the bastards place.

“Elyon this has nothing to do with you.” Noah finally said through the speaker. I pushed in the button to speak back with so much force I hurt myself.

“Listen to me carefully, you let me in or I push every buzzer until someone else does. Then I kick in your door and kill that fuck tard,” I said in a freakishly calm voice.

There was no reply just the noise of the door lock clicking open so I pushed my way in and headed for the elevator heading straight to his floor.

Noah was waiting outside his door with a frown and his arms crossed over his chest.

“Little E...” He began reproachfully. I shook my head; I was beyond the point of calming down. I don’t have many friends so when you fuck with one you get the full wrath of my anger.

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