Chapter 25: "Dude! Stop feeling me up under the table!"

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I was muttering to myself, swearing, and throwing stuff around until I found my homework, yeah she is cruel enough to give us bloody homework about running, and slammed my locker shut again only to come face to face with Cassidy.

I froze and stared at her wide eyes. What happened to ‘stay away?’

“Here, I was told to deliver this to you.” She shoved a letter into my hand and gave me the scariest smile I have ever seen. My stomach dropped instantly.

I glanced down at the letter only my fist name was scrawled out in messy handwriting: no stamp since Cassidy gave me it. I flipped it over to see if there was a return address and felt my body stiffen.

I dragged my eyes up to meet Cassidy giving me a malicious smile.

“I’ll leave you to your letter.” She whispered leaning close to my ear before turning on her heel and leaving me to stare down at the letter in horror.

There was no address on the back: only a name.

David Bishop.

My Dad finally found me.


The letter burned as I held it, I was still standing by my locker unsure of what to do. It was a tossup of screaming or throwing up.

With shaky hands I tore the letter open and pulled out the sheet of folded paper with one hand.

It took all the strength I had to read that letter, all my strength and then some.

Found you.

Now it’s your turn.


I felt my heart beat in my chest like a set of bongo drums, my whole body felt like it was about to shut down. I didn’t know what to do; I couldn’t stand here in the middle of the corridor for much longer.

Especially when I was late for gym. Even at times like this the she beast still scares the shit out of me.

Running my still shaking hands through my hair I stuffed the letter into my pocket and took off into a run, my gym homework and locker forgotten.

I can’t face anyone right now. I felt like I was about to explode at any given moment.

All I could think about was getting out of here and getting as far away as possible from this town.

I was running so fast, well as fast as I could, that I didn’t see where I was going and ran straight into a very familiar wall of muscle. I hit the floor wincing at the pain that shot through my back.

“You really are the clumsiest – Hey, are you okay?” I felt Jaden crouch down to my level, obviously I looked as bad as I felt.

I brought my eyes to look up into his face, his worried face. I couldn’t find any words so shook my head: ‘no.’ I really wasn’t.

That was enough for him; he sighed and grabbed my upper arms before pulling me to my feet.

“What happened?” He finally asked he voice soft.

I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair tugging it when it got caught in a knot not caring about the dull pain that ran through my skull. 

“Nothing, I’m fine. Sorry for bothering you.” I turned away from him and began to walk away, for some reason I didn’t want him to see me in this state, more than anyone else.

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