Chapter 14: "Whoever this guy is, he must be related to the exorcist."

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I left the Diner before the guys could and made my way to the supermarket for my next shift of hell. Yippee. Note my sarcasm.

I was informed, more like told, (trust me if I had a choice in this matter I wouldn’t be where I am right now) to clean the public toilets: from top to bottom. I swear I was about to pour bleach down my throat to end this torture!

Let me just fill you in on the big, disgusting, picture: someone has been sick all over the guy’s toilets. Now whoever this dude is he must be related to the exorcist because this was full on projectile vomiting.

It was up the walls, in the sinks, on the stalls and in the urinals. Add that to the stench of piss and you have a pretty decent picture of the predicament I’m in.

And I’m not even a cleaner! My manager just hates me: crazy old bat.

So here I am with a dish towel wrapped around my face as some sort of protection from the stench, rubber gloves so thick and long they reached my elbow... I laughed out loud at that thought. Me and my dirty mind...

Convincing myself I wasn’t going to have to touch the sick I began to attack the mess only breathing when I was about to faint.

It took me the two and a half hours to clean out that toilet! Two fricken hours! And now I smelled of sick and piss so bad I felt my nostril hair shrivel up. Thank God I had spare clothes in my locker.

After I had finished cleaning the toilet out I returned to Linda, my boss, to report that I was done with the bloody scrubbing.

She then made a big show of checking that every molecule of sick was gone from that bathroom, I mean she sniffed the freaking urinals and everything!

Once she was satisfied that I had done enough she set me to stacking some bottles of water in the refreshments isle and I quickly put my mind to the task before I said some true ‘Elyon’ things to her stupid wrinkly face.

I stacked and stacked the water trying to amuse myself by thinking of more nicknames for Tim. I had gotten to my twentieth, Timothy Toss Pot, when I realised I was finished my shift. I had been stacking bottles of water for nearly an hour!

Jesus Christ, no one thought to tell me?

Of course not.

I signed out for the night, after getting changed into a pair of loose fitted black jeans and a long sleeved reddish top, and made my way out of the shitty supermarket.

Once outside I stopped completely surprised to see Noah’s car sitting across the street. I though he wasn’t picking me up anymore?

I ran across the street to his car and tapped on the passenger side’s window. It was rolled down and a second later and I came face to face with Jaden who was smirking widely at me.

“What the hell are you two doing here?” I asked ignoring Jaden and looking around him at Noah who was driving.

“I promised Elyon and, unfortunately for you, I keep my promises.” He said with a soft smile.

Right in the feels. Ugh he had to make me feel so bad for not wanting to tutor him anymore. I glanced at Jaden with a frown.

The reason I didn’t want to tutor Noah in the first place was because I didn’t want any more reasons to kill this guy!

Why was he here anyway? Shouldn’t he be out banging some hoe?

I looked back at Noah and sighed. I really am being a bit of a dick about all of this. It’s not Noah’s fault. It’s his asshole of a best friends.

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