Chapter 17: "Swap his shampoo for hair removal cream."

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What do you do when you have just been fired and get stuck with the person you hate so much you want to make him swallow razor blades?

Get piss drunk of course!

“So you dump water on her and run?” Jaden asked me with a perfectly arched eyebrow after I had told him of my ‘firing.’

“I did indeed.” I replied drinking some more of the whisky Jaden had so kindly poured for me. The liquid burned all the way down into my stomach and I grimaced but nonetheless took another sip.

“You sure know how to piss people off,” he said with a laugh swigging some whiskey straight from the bottle in one massive gulp. I smirked lazily at him and leaned back into the sofa.

“Maybe we should phone Noah and tell him I won’t be there?” I asked kicking my feet onto the glass coffee table to which Jaden gave me the “make yourself at home,” look.

“Nah, he will figure it out.” Jaden said rolling his eyes. Normally I would have called him nasty and childish but right now I was effected by the buzz of alcohol running through my system and the anger I had from being fired.

“Hmm, sounds like a plan.” I murmured bringing the glass to my lips once more.

“Why did you come here anyway?” Jaden asked leaning forward in his seat slightly, his eyes hooded. He was pretty drunk before I even got here and ever since he has been chugging at the whiskey bottle. He was going to be dying tomorrow.

“Your place was closer than mine and I didn’t fancy walking back to mine alone,” I said with a shrug. Jaden nodded and drank from his bottle once more.

I sighed and looked up at the crisp white ceiling; this was a lot less painful than I thought it would be. I’m blaming the alcohol.

As I stared at the ceiling I began to think about Linda and my now non-existent job. Ugh, it’s not fair. I needed that money. What now?

“If you squeeze that glass any tighter it will smash,” Jaden said suddenly pulling me from my anger trip. I frowned and looked down at the hand he was indicating. Huh. I was holding it pretty firmly.

“I’d hate to think how your hand jobs feel.” Jaden said with a sleazy smirk that drove shivers down my spine.

“And that’s all you can do...think about it.” I said rolling my eyes and sitting the poor glass onto the table.

Jaden laughed and copied my movements, though his were a little wobbly, and placed the bottle onto the table.

“Feisty as always,” he said with a wink. I smiled coyly at him resisting the urge to stick my tongue out.

Several minutes passed of us not talking just drinking and it was getting really awkwardly boring. Once I had finished my third glass of burning liquid I pulled my feet from the table and turned my body to face Jaden.

“Let’s do something.” I said letting my boredom seep into my voice.

“Alright, you get naked first.” Jaden said with a wicked grin. I rolled my eyes but let a small smile light up my lips.

“Nope, I was thinking more along the lines of swapping Nicolas’s shampoo for hair removal shit,” I said eagerly.

Jaden raised an eyebrow catching onto the venom in my voice when I mentioned Nicolas.

“What did he do?” His voice was surprisingly clear and gentle, when moments ago he was a little slurred and perverted. I bit my lip.

“Nothing, yet. He says I owe him,” I said frustration echoing my words. Jaden frowned, his eyebrows meeting in the middle. He looked rather cute like that. Ugh, shut up hormones.

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