Chapter 26: "If you're a girl, you should only eat dust."

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“I’ll have one special ribs, large, two side portions of fries, extra barbeque sauce and some potato salad.” I said glancing down at the menu to check that this was all that I wanted.

The waitress stared at me like I was a talking hippo and wrote my order on her notepad.

“Jesus Christ woman, you could try and act like a female when we eat out.” Jaden said his eyes wide.

“I like to eat, and when you guys are paying why shouldn’t I?” I question taking a sip from my coke and smiling widely.

“Little E...” Noah began but didn’t know what else to say so ordered his meal instead.

The waitress smiled as wide as she could and shoved out the little cleavage she had when it came to taking the guys order. I didn’t miss the flirtatious arm touch she gave Jaden either, neither did he by the way his ego filled the room afterwards.

I decided to just watch her in pity and allow her to continue her weak flirting without any comments; I didn’t really fancy getting my food spat in.

“I thought you said you weren’t hungry?” Nicolas asked turning slightly in his chair to face me.

“I guess I was,” I said with a shrug. I really wasn’t that hungry before, I suppose I was too full thinking about my Dad.

I still was, just now I felt a lot more at ease.

“So when are you banging Holly again?” Jaden suddenly asked Nicolas giving him a sly knowing grin.

I grinned and turned to mimic Jaden. The rest of the table grew silent, being the nosy bastards we are: we all wanted to know the answer to this question.

“I don’t know.” Nicolas said casually taking a sip of his own Coke with a small smile.

Noah whistled and slammed his hands onto the table in excitement.

“Oh you have it bad!” He exclaimed laughing slightly.

“I do not!” Nicolas denied.

“Aw, it’s okay Nicky, you can settle down.” Jaden added grinning from ear to ear now.

Nicolas’s eyes widened and he shook his head wildly.

“No! I’ll never settle down! I want to be a whore for the rest of my life! I’ll shag my way through my fifties!” He claimed; denial written all over his face.


Of course that’s when the waitress returns with our food.

We all slowly turn to face her; she was blushing slightly while carrying a tray of food. She stared at Nicolas her eyes slightly wide and her mouth still open.

“Nice one Nicolas, now’s your chance to prove your conviction,” I said, not too quietly, and nudged Nicolas in the ribs and pointed, again not without her noticing, to the waitress.

Everyone but Nicolas struggled to hold in their laughter as the poor girl flushed crimson and set the tray onto the table before mumbling something about sauce and practically running away.

Okay, maybe I did do that for flirting earlier, sue me.

“You are so mean.” Noah said removing the food from the tray and handing it to whom it belonged.

I smiled sweetly and shrugged.

“When I ordered my food she gave me the: ‘if you’re a girl you should only eat dust’ look. I like food.” Sure this was half of the reason but the other half could stay hidden up my ass; where it will stay - for the time being.

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