Chapter 22: "You look like you just got into a fight with a twister mat."

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Cassidy never came back into school that whole week, which meant I was alone a lot more often; except for detention. Lily had taken to meeting me at lunch sometimes too; and I was grateful to her. But other than that, life seemed to go on and nothing much was said about Cassidy freaking out and ripping open my locker.

I also haven’t heard from her since I left that voice mail and since no one was asking about my double alias I started to calm down and return to my invisible self.

Well I tried anyway.

“Elly! Wait hey!” Oh God. It was Friday and I was on my way out of school, for the whole week Jaden hasn’t said one word to me but now? Now he screams my stupid nickname from the other end of the corridor to get my attention.

 So I ignored him.

“For the love of God stay still you little worm!” Jaden shouted as I continued to make my way out of the school.

‘Worm?’ A laugh bubbled through my effort to ignore him and I finally stopped to let him catch up to me. We were outside by the time he did.

“Oh! I didn’t see you there gigantore.” I said faking surprise and raising my eyes to his face.

“Sure you didn’t Baker, that’s why you were using your worm like size to hide.” Jaden said with an eye roll.

“Worms a bit of an exaggeration.” I muttered tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and frowning.

“Compared to me, you’re a worm. Now stop distracting me and let me relay Nicks message.” He said with a smirk and covered my mouth when I began to retaliate. I crossed my arms over my chest but allowed him to keep his hand where it was. If he said something I didn’t like I was so going to bite him.

The thought made me smile against his hand.

“Okay, so you’ve to go to 31 Connis Gardens at seven.” When he said this there was an underlying smirk in the words. He knew something I didn’t.

I nodded and when he didn’t take his hand away from my mouth I pulled it away with my hand.

“Why didn’t he just tell me in detention?” I thought back to detention and the multiple times he could have told me but didn’t.

“He wanted me to do it, said it would be funnier when the time comes.” There it was again. That stupid know it all smirk.

“You guys are up to something aren’t you?” I asked suspiciously; my mouth flattening into a thin line.

“Elly, we are notorious thief’s, whores, fighting bad asses. When are we not up to something?” He said teasingly his head tilted downwards to make sure I could see the glint in his eyes.

“I thought he was still pissed at you?” I said pushing his shoulder and walking towards the gate, I didn’t have time to fantasize about how long his bloody eyelashes are!

“He made a deal with me,” he said walking beside me effortlessly. I scowled as this reminded me of my own deal with Nicolas. If she was anything like her brother she was going to be a pain in my ass.

“What kind of deal?” I asked casually trying to keep the fact that I was slightly curious from showing in my voice.

“It’s a surprise.” He sang pulling my hair and jogging away from me to the car park.

“So that means I’m gonna find out?” I asked suspicion leaking into my voice again. I had a bad feeling about all of this now. It all seemed too convenient.

Jaden didn’t reply he just turned around, still jogging, and winked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and gave him the middle finger. If he was going to be a child about it then so was I.

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