Chapter 6: "Glad u didn't have to break some poor guys balls Little E."

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Believe me when I say the pizza was good and that was the only reason I was sitting in the schools bad boy’s lair eating this, amazing, pizza with them. It’s not because they are all very hot. It’s the pizza.

“Maybe we should have ordered two extra larges with the way Little E is going through this one?” Noah said eyeing my third slice of the cheesy goodness in my greasy fingers. I chewed the bite in my mouth glaring at him with narrowed eyes.

“It’s a miracle she’s not fat, well; fatter.” Jaden agreed taking a swig out his beer bottle with a smirk. I simply flipped him off and took another bite. I honestly don’t care about their smart assed comments right now, I was too happy to. 

The guys began to talk about some party they were at on Friday and I zoned out eating the rest of my slice of pizza in peace. It was weird how non-awkward this was. It should have been. I mean, I am the schools nerd and they are notorious bad boys, we aren’t supposed to socialise. My mind weaved in and out of random things before I came to a question I never found out the answer to and decided now would be a good time to ask it.

“Noah?” I said throwing my crust into the empty pizza box, I hate the crusts, and turned to look at Noah who was still sitting beside me.

“What?” He gave me a quizzical look and raised his eyebrows slightly.

“What did you say to Cassidy to make her give you my number?” I asked letting some of my curiosity leak into my words. A sly smile crept onto his lips as he remembered the time I spoke of.  Jaden laughed and I turned to look at him. That didn’t sound good.

“Is it that bad?”  I asked tilting my head to the side and biting my lip. Jaden leaned towards me a little, a serious expression plastered on his face.

“He said to her that if she gave him your number he would give her mine.” He winked lazily at me and leaned back into his chair laughing again.

That is just sick. Why would she want this ass holes number? I mean I get it, he looks like he could play the lead role in any action film with all those muscles and good looks but he is a complete and utter womanizer of a tool!

I turned to look at Noah my expression unreadable. Noah seemed very amused by all this, that didn’t help him much.

“Tell me he’s is kidding and you never gave my friend, Cassidy, this idiots number.” I jerked my thumb towards Jaden, who was still smiling like a Cheshire cat, and pointed at Noah with my bandaged hand. Noah seemed to understand the situation a bit better and leaned away from me his hands up in a ‘surrender’ gesture.

As If I’d let him surrender.

“She asked for it first, I only made her a deal with it. And anyway, it’s not like I gave her number to Jaden, it’s completely her choice if she calls him.” He ranted trying to clear his name. I took a deep calming breath, not really knowing why I cared about this so much, and turned my attention back to Jaden.

“Has she called you?” I asked keeping my tone casual. Jaden crossed his arms behind his head taking his sweet time to answer. I followed his movements trying to keep a disinterested look on my face.

“I don’t kiss and tell.” So says the guy I just listened to bang some hoe not half an hour ago! Noah made a disbelieving snort and rolled his eyes, obviously someone other than me disagreed with him.

“Just a fair warning chump,” I said now leaning towards Jaden like he had with me, keeping my voice light and airy. “If you fuck around with my friend you will have me to deal with afterwards. Got it?” Noah choked a little on his beer as I smiled brightly at Jaden’s surprised face and leaned back into my seat with a content sigh. Jaden and Noah continued to stare at me like I was tripping on Acid and it really started to freak me out.

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