Chapter 31: "She was looking at me like I was her next kill."

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After the seriously awkward lunch I made it through my last two classes without much trouble, thankfully.

Detention was another matter entirely.

Just as I was about to walk into the class someone rammed into my side and nearly sent me flying, I somehow managed to stay upright but for a second there I saw myself die. Well, nearly.

“Watch it!” I yelled turning to glare angrily at the idiot who obviously can’t see two feet in front of them to know that someone was there.

“What did you just say?”


There are a few people even I don’t mess with in this school, some people that would eat me for breakfast and use my bones as kitchen utensils.

One of these people is Brie Walsh. The top female wrestler and a serious muscle buff. She was the school’s top bully and she was currently looking at me like I was her next kill.

“Would you look at that? I mistook you for my imaginary friend...Bob! Sorry about that! Bad Bob...” I began to ramble as I back slowly into the class my hands up in front of me in case she decided to strike.

Seriously, her hands were the size of my head and she would squash me in a second and I was quite fond of having a head.  

Brie glared at me her eyes daring me to go on.

“Elyon?” I quickly glanced over my shoulder a pleading look on my face, Lily nodded quickly and began to stand but someone else beat her to my rescue.

Two guesses who.

“What the fuck are you doing? Stop being a retard and sit down Elly. Brie leave her alone she’s a nut job, you don’t need to get into it with her.” Jaden said cupping the side of his face with his hand a smirk on his perfect lips.

I didn’t know if I should punch him or hug him. I decided to go for the middle ground.

“Oh I’m the retard?” I snapped gaining my normal sass when he pissed me off.

“Yes you are, now sit down before we have to call you an ambulance.” He replied lazily waving towards Lily where my usual seat was.

I gritted my teeth together but the sound of someone gasping behind me made me remember how close to death I was right now.

I turned to look at Brie quickly my face apologetic as it could ever get; and the weirdest thing faced me. Brie was blushing her ass off while looking quickly at Jaden then quickly at the floor her short bobbed hair swinging she was doing it so fast.

Holy crackers...

Brie Walsh has a crush on Jaden Blake?

Thank Christ he feels the need to stalk me! I think I just found my life jacket.

“Elyon? Are you ever going to sit?” Lily suddenly asked bringing me out of my own staring and I quickly rushed to my seat hiding the grin that was about to break through my lips.

Lily was giving me the: ‘I know what you are thinking,’ look with a wriggle of her eyebrows and I snorted in reply.

Brie stumbled into the first row of desks and promptly began glaring at the poor thing obviously she realised what had just happened now that she came out of her freaky love daze.

“So are you coming back over to ours to get your stuff?” Jaden suddenly asked and I slowly turned to face the three boys.

Brie slipping my mind for the minute.

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