Chapter 30: "Drops her underwear so fast they would hit China."

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“Unless you want to be late you’d better get up!”

I screamed and sat bolt upright clutching the bed sheets in a daze. When someone yells in your ear while you are in dreamland this is the only way you will react.

Jaden was kneeling by the bed, his face where my head had been moments ago, a grin on his face his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Oh right, yeah, I stayed here last night...

“Ugh,” I groaned and flopped back onto the bed covering my eyes.

“Come on get up, Noah needs in here to get dressed.” Jaden said poking my head when I closed my eyes again.

“Okay, okay!” I grumbled sitting up again and swung my legs off the bed; stretching my arms above my head. Jaden chuckled quietly and waited for me to collect all my stuff from the floor.

“Do I have time for a shower?” I asked pulling out the clothes I would be need for the day from my overnight bag. 

“Yeah, if you make it quick.” Jaden said leaning against the door frame still watching me like a creep. I think he was waiting for me to crack or something.

“And she’s alive!” Noah yelled walking into his room still in the clothes he fell asleep in last night. I smiled sheepishly at him.

“Sorry about that,” I managed to say through a yawn.

“Never mind, just go for a shower or Nick will get in before you.” Noah said shaking his head and pushing me to the door. I laughed lightly and smiled when I noticed Jaden still watching me.

“You aren’t coming in with me.” I teased looking over my shoulder when his eyes followed my back. He smirked.

“Been there, done that.” He replied in an offhand tone, I rolled my eyes and darted into the bathroom locking the door behind me.

It was strange being here so early, but what was even stranger was the way the guys acted like this was a normal thing. That me being here wasn’t weird at all.

And what scared me the most was that it wasn’t. Not in the slightest.

The shower woke me up, giving me a little more energy than I felt like I had. After all, I had spent most of the night worrying about what I was going to do now.

I finally decided on staying at my own place for three reasons: I won’t be a burden to Dave, I will no stay here like a charity case and lastly; I will not be pushed around by my moronic father.

He just caught me off guard last night.

Jaden was right, I’m not the type of person to go down without a fight and if it’s a fight he wants then a fight he shall get.

I’ll just get one of the guys to walk me to my door every night.

Hey, I said I would fight; not that I would go into battle without a shield of some sort.

Once came out of the shower I roughly towel dried my hair before brushing it out and throwing it into a French braid from the side of my head around. I couldn’t be bothered with it today.

The clothes I had packed were a pair of dark blue jeans and a white long sleeved t-shirt with a decorative skull on the back, I was also wearing the same white flats I was wearing yesterday.

Sighing at my tired expression in the mirror I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom so I didn’t have to look at myself any longer than I had to.

“Nick seriously?!” Noah was yelling from the kitchen. I smiled and made my way to the living room.

Jaden was watching the sports channel on the big flat screen, he didn’t even notice me come in, so I turned to the kitchen.

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