Desperate times

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Kiara Carrera wasn't usually the type of girl who would give two shits if some kooky guy lost interest in her but she had been dating Matt for 3 months now and she was actually starting to get real feelings for him.. that was until 2 days ago when he texted her 'I don't think this is going to work out' and then just completely ghosted her.

"He's an asshole kie,  you deserve way better.. he even broke up with you over text" Sarah Cameron , Kiara's best friend exclaims rubbing her back

"I know he is I just.. I don't know I guess I just thought he was different" Kiara sighs before continuing "he was so good to me.. I don't know what changed maybe I could have been a better girlfriend"

"Kie don't say that.."

"I want to get him back Sarah"  says Kiara looking at Sarah for some kind of reassurance

Sarah looks a little concerned but says
"Okay I mean if that's really what you want ... how?" 

Kiara sighs "I have no idea"

Sarah smiles sadly and wraps an arm around her friend
"Come on let's go hang with the boys at the chateau it'll take your mind off things"

Kiara groans "yeah because hanging out with you and your boyfriend will totally make me feel better about being single"

Sarah giggles "oh come on we are all friends it's not just going to be me and John b"

Kie just smiles and rolls her eyes but follows her friend to the car

I've considered myself at least half poge for quite some time, Sarah and I have been hanging with John B and his friends for a few years now and we get along great... all except for two of us, myself and JJ maybank, John bs best friend since the 3rd grade.. or in my opinion the most infuriating person on the face of this planet. I guess you could say we clash, all we ever do is argue whenever we are in the same vicinity as each other it's honestly exhausting. He's definitely not my favourite person and I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining things when he rolls his eyes whenever I make an appearance. The one and only thing jj and I have in common is weed, the others smoke occasionally (except for pope) but jj and I are the only ones that do it regularly at hang outs which always pisses him off because I always rock up and take his joint right out of his hand. Which is precisely what I am planning on doing tonight... I need it.

We arrive at the chateau at about 8pm, the boys and pope's girlfriend Cleo are gathered around a fire drinking beers and listening to music, the usual. Cleo is pretty new to the group, her and pope have only been dating for a few months she's awesome and I'm honestly super grateful because I'm pretty sure pope used to have a crush on me and well.. I love the guy but see him as a brother.

Just as I predicted JJ is sitting, legs stretched out leaning against a tree smoking a joint. I immediately walk straight over to him ignoring a giggle from Sarah who knows me all to well

"Aye I wasn't done with that-"
jj half coughs as I snatch the blunt from his fingers

"Well now you are, I think I need it more than you do tonight" I mutter and as soon as the words leave my lips I instantly regret them because i just know he's going to ask questions

"Trouble in paradise princess?"

Annnnd there it is. I roll my eyes so hard I'm surprised they don't fall out. He knows I hate being called princess, he only calls me that because of the kook in me.

"Nope and if there was you are the last person I'd talk to about it" I say coldly before talking a long drag

"Ouch, you wound me" jj says sarcastically rolling his eyes before snatching the joint back and taking another hit

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