He fell first

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By the time JJ got home it was almost 2 am, he was absolutely exhausted, the entire day was a big blur from school to work and then whatever the hell that was at Kiara's house..

his dad wasn't home, nothing new there. So he made his way straight to his bedroom, kicked off his shoes and laid down on his bed without even bothering to change from his work clothes. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander back to a specific curly haired girl and a certain situation they'd found themselves in not too long ago


I almost kissed her I think as I run a hand through my hair trying to calm my thoughts, I really need to sleep.
But she almost let me kiss her
I think maybe she wanted me to kiss her
What might have happened if her parents hadn't come home?

no don't even go there. I think, cutting off my own thoughts

Obviously we just got caught up in a moment, it's probably a good thing we were interrupted or we might have ended up doing something that we will regret later or at least something that she will regret. I pull the blanket over my face and do my best to think of anything else.


The next morning John b picks me up in the
Twinkie on his way to school almost immediately commenting on Kiara's Snapchat story with a very smug look on his face

"you are taking this fake boyfriend thing pretty seriously bro, why the fuck were you at her house, in her BED at like 1 in the morning?" He laughs glancing over at me before focusing back on the road

"I finished work late and we decided to hang out.. you know, for the whole fake relationship shit" I shrug deciding not to mention the whole almost kissing part.


Suddenly I feel see through, as if I have the words 'I'm falling for her' written across my forehead. 
I frown at him and say "what's bullshit?"

"Your telling me you were in her bed, all over her like you were in that photo and nothing happened?" John b asks me shaking his head in disbelief

"Nope nothing happened, her parents came home after we took the photo and I took off" I shrug, technically I wasn't lying

John b still looks sceptical but mutters "okay man" just as we pull up to the school parking lot

The day goes by pretty quick, I don't see Kiara until lunchtime and I'm not going to lie it's pretty fucking awkward, I go and sit next to her because well boyfriend duties and i swear she can't even look me in the eyes so I end up just directing my conversation to pope and John b instead.

JJ comes and sits down next to me at lunch, I try to act normal I really do but how am I supposed to do that when every time I look at him now I get flashbacks to last night, his body pressed against mine, the way his hand felt on my skin, that look in his eyes.. a look I'd never seen from him before a look that said I want you.
Maybe I'm crazy. Overanalysing the situation. He's a dude after all, we were in my bed in a pretty compromising position I guess it's just basic anatomy that he reacted that way.

The part that is confusing me the most is how it made me feel. was I really going to just lay there and let him kiss me? Kiss him back? or maybe even more than that..
no I think to myself
This is JJ we are talking about here, he's a jerk. Sure we might be friendlier than we used to be but he's still the most annoying person on the planet not to mention has an ego the size of Texas, kissing him would only add to that and that is quite literally the last thing i want to do.

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