All eyes on us

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The next five days pass by fairly uneventfully, the pouges had all been busy with their own lives what with school and home life. Even jj had spent the majority of the week after school at his own house apart from a few days after school where he'd drop into the chateau to bring Kiara weed and of course stay for a joint or two. Nothing else had happened between the two of them since the weekend but they had certainly kept up their flirty demeanour which had not gone unnoticed by the others, in fact they were enjoying poking fun at the pair any chance they got making sure to snap photos of them whenever they sat close together than normal at school or were pressed together side by side in the hammock, at this point they were just waiting for them to finally cave and make it official.

I wake up on Friday morning in my shitty bedroom to the bright sun streaming through my broken blinds, I reach for my phone on my bedside table opening up mine and and kie's text thread and typing out the same good morning message I'd fallen into the habit of doing every single morning for the past week. I know right who'd have thought I'd be one to send cheesy fucking good morning or goodnight texts to a girl? Which by the way I have also been doing every night. What can I say? She has some kind of hold over me, the worst part is she fucking knows it too.

J {morning princess❤️}

K {morning jerk😘}
K{coming to school today?}

J {thinking of skipping, come surfing with me?}

K {I can't, my parents might actually come and drag me to boarding school if I push them any further 🤦🏾‍♀️}

J {damn, I'll see you tonight at the boneyard though right?}

K {maybe. You miss me or something Maybank?}

I find myself grinning down at my phone, shit I've got it bad. I've had enough time to myself this week to think about everything, process everything and I've decided to shove my fears and doubts as far back in my mind as I possibly can and actually try to move forward with Kiara. Obviously we are taking things painfully slowly when it comes to labelling whatever this is but both of us seem to be okay with it, enjoying the banter, the flirting and teasing. We are feeling it out.

J {something like that❤️}


After school Sarah comes over to the chateau and we claim the spare bedroom to get ready for the boneyard party together, the mirror in that room is way better than the bathroom one. John b leaves to go and pick JJ up in the Twinkie, Cleo and pope are planning on meeting us at the party later on.

"I wonder if Matt will be there tonight" says Sarah as she shimmies on a pair of jeans

I grimace. two days ago I'd texted him and basically told him he needed to stop trying with me, it felt unfair to let him think he still had a chance when JJ and I had been talking, flirting and growing closer everyday. Not to mention I'd now slept with him three times and the whole time Matt had been sending occasional texts in the hopes to meet up and talk about 'us'

"God I hope not" I mutter, running a comb through my curls. He had assumed instantly that JJ was the reason I was calling things off, I had panicked in a moment of guilt and completely denied it saying I just feel like we work better as friends and I don't feel the spark which wasn't a complete lie.

"You better hope not" Sarah giggles "you and JJ aren't exactly subtle lately"

I throw her a sharp look before giving in and allowing the smile to creep onto my face. She's right, we've been flirting shamelessly even in front of our friends.

"If any of you fuckers ask what we are or if we're together one more time and make shit awkward I will kill you" I say putting my hands on my hips and giving her a stern look

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