Denial is a river in Egypt

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Kiara and I hang out at the beach for another hour just smoking and talking shit. Its weird not arguing with her for once but I decided to play nice after seeing how upset she was earlier.. seeing her cry gave me an unsettling urge to go find Matt and fucking strangle him with my bare hands.

Woah where did that thought come from?

I shake my head and focus on the road trying to ignore my racing thoughts about why exactly I want to injure kie's lover boy so badly. I'm on my way back to the chateau to drop the Twinkie off, johb b was still asleep when I left this morning, I offered Kiara a lift home but she wanted to stay at the beach for a bit longer so i told her I'd catch her tomorrow at school.

I pull up to the chateau and go inside to find John b and Sarah who apparently stayed the night sitting in the lounge eating lunch

"Yo" I say glancing at them briefly before heading to the fridge to see what I can find to eat

"Hey man, how's the surf?" Asks John b obviously noticing my damp hair and knowing me well enough to know where I'd been

"Meh, not too shabby" I reply grabbing some chicken and shoving it in my mouth

Sarah is looking down at her phone, clearly distracted "I hope kie is okay, I haven't heard from her since last night and she hasn't been online today"

I speak without thinking
"she's fine I've been with her all morning"


Sarah and John b both look up at me, eyebrows raised waiting for an explanation

I swallow the food that's in my mouth and mutter

"You have been with kie all morning? Explain please" says Sarah looking bemused

"I went surfing. She was there." I say simply

Sarah squints at me "so you just surfed in silence?"

I clear my throat
"We may have had a brief conversation...and a few joints"

John b is smiling like the idiot knows something that I don't and Sarah continues to look at me with a mix of surprise and confusion

"Your telling me that you and Kiara actually hung out voluntarily without trying to murder each other?" She asks

I just shrug and say "first time for everything" before going back to get some more chicken from the fridge

After lunch Sarah went home and left John b and jj alone at the chateau playing video games and eating junk food for the rest of the afternoon.

John b slams his controller down on the table "dude! how do you keep winning" he complains

jj throws his hands up in the air and yells "victory! That's what I'm talking about baby"

John b stands up and disappears into the kitchen "want a beer?"

"Why not"

He comes back out holding two beers and hands one to jj
"so when are we going to talk about you are kie?"

Jj pulls a face "what about me and kie?"

"Other than the fact you eye fuck her brains out every time you see her" John b smirks

"Fuck off man I do not"

"ohh kie uh fuck kie" John b fake moans before bursting out laughing

"Bro shut the fuck up" jj half yells half laughs, punching his friend in the arm "it's not like that"

"Then what's it like? Because from where I'm sitting it looks like something is happening between you two" says John b still grinning

"Trust me it's not, I'm not into her. And even if I was she's definitely not into me....she slept with Matt last night" jj admits looking down at his hands and spinning the ring on his finger

"Oh...right" says John b studying his friends face

"Dude, don't look at me like that your creeping me out" laughs jj but when john b still doesn't say anything he continues "I don't have a thing for her okay? It's whatever"

"Okay man whatever you say"

Jj clears his throat "another game?"

Kiara's  POV

When I finally get home from the beach I look at my phone and realise I haven't replied to Sarah in hours shit. I quickly go to open the messages when I notice she's sent me a new one

[do you have something to tell me?😏]

Wtf, did jj tell her what happened between Matt and I? Who am I kidding of course he did. I'm an idiot for thinking I could trust him.

[I was going to tell you I slept with him, I just didn't know how😅]

[wait, you SLEPT WITH HIM?!]

[yeah I mean I thought you already knew]


I pause for a second before typing

[wait, who are YOU talking about?]


Oh. My. God.
My eyes almost pop out of my head what is happening right now?
Screw this I'm calling her.

We spend the next hour on the phone, I explain everything to her and clear up our little misunderstanding, I tell her all about what happened with Matt and how I've been feeling about the whole thing I ask her if she thinks he could still have feelings for me and she tells me she can't answer that but I get the feeling that she thinks it's over. I cry. She comforts me and listens.

That night I lay in bed thinking about everything that happened, playing out that last 24 hours in my head.  thinking of all the things I could have done differently. Maybe I'm the idiot for dating a kook in the first place, I did this to myself I should have known better.  I should never have let Sarah set me up with him.. Sarah, I can't believe she thought I was having sex with jj, I let out a quiet laugh at the thought and my mind wanders to this afternoon on the beach, laying in the warm sand just talking about dumb shit and smoking. For an hour of my life I'd forgotten about my problems, how was that possible? And how come it was him that made that possible for me? I still recall the softness in his face when he noticed how sad I was in the water and how he made an obvious point not to start any petty arguments after our conversation. He didn't tell Sarah that I'd slept with Matt even though I assumed he had.

Maybe he isn't the worst person in the world after all.

I'm not planning on giving him the satisfaction of knowing that though.

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