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This is different I think as I lay wrapped in JJ's arms, just a loose blanket covering our naked bodies. Post sex kisses. He drops one to my shoulder as if he can read my mind, and another to the base of my neck before brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. I smile up at him and he leans in and captures my lips again taking me by surprise, making me giggle

"hi" I whisper when he pulls away

"Sup" he smirks, trying his best to play the cool guy but the dazed look in his eyes is giving him away

"So that was, different?" I say keeping my eyes on his and gently rubbing circles where my hands resting on his back

"Yeah" he breathes against my skin, having dropped him head to the crook of my neck again "it was"

"It was nice" I say honestly, because it was. It was gentle and loving. he was loving. even though he still hasn't admitted his feelings verbally after that there is no denying it, his touch said it all for him.

He lifts his head and leans on an elbow, raising both eyebrows at me "nice? Is that all? Damn I need to step up my game"

I roll my eyes and shove him in the shoulder "you know what I mean jerk"

He chuckles and plants a soft kiss above my eyebrow "I know"

I try not to think too much about what all of this means, he's clearly not opposed to showing affection right now and obviously what we just did was way more meaningful than just a casual fuck, but I'm not about to ruin it by asking the age old question of 'what are we'
I'll give him time. After all it was me who initiated tonight, basically talked him into it so it's the least I can do right?

My thoughts are interrupted by jj yawning loudly

"We should probably get dressed before we fall asleep" I say raking my fingers through his hair which is probably only making his sleepy situation worse

"Hmm" he mumbles before leaning over the edge of the bed and grabbing his T-shirt off the floor, he hovers above me and pulls the shirt over my head with a small smirk before grabbing his boxers and slipping them on "all fixed"

I pull my arms into his shirt and down to cover my body, feeling around the bottom of the makeshift bed for my panties and finally locating them with my foot, I slip them on and mutter

"you know John b is going to know exactly what happened when he sees me wearing your shirt in the morning right?"

JJ slips back under the covers and pulls me onto his chest, I wrap my arms around him and breathe deeply closing my eyes.

"I don't care if you don't" he whispers, I can tell he's already half asleep so I just hum in response and let myself drift off to the sound of his breathing.

I wake up to the feeling of a warm body pressed against mine, legs tangled together and my face resting on soft hair. it takes a good few seconds for my brain to register what happened last night but when it does I find myself smiling and bringing a hand up to gently touch kie's cheek, she stirs and her eyelid flutter open to look at me

"Creep" she mutters, a soft smile playing on her lips, i frown at her playfully "you are so hard to please women" i poke her in the ribs making her squirm "i ignore you and you throw a tanty, I'm nice to you and you call me a creep"

Kiara sits up and looks at me, mouth open wide she lets out an offended shocked noise "I did not throw a tanty thank you very much"

I smirk at her, enjoying messing with her probably a little too much "you did too, but it's okay you can't help that you're obsessed with me"

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