Close proximity

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I stayed at the chateau last night. Not because of kie. Well, not only because of kie. I was thinking about crashing here anyway, it's just easier than going home most of the time, especially on a Friday or weekend because I know if I go home I'll be walking straight into war with my old man. But when Kiara asked me if I was staying of course that little part of me screamed at me to stay just to simply be close to her.

She'd given me a smug smile as I walked past her on the pull out couch on my way up to the spare bedroom at the end of the night like she just knew I couldn't stay away from her.
She knows me too well

Stretching and sitting up in bed i lean over and grab my phone off the side table, I scroll for about 10 minutes before I decide that I need to get up and pee and then probably find some food.
I go to the bathroom and then head down the hallway it's still pretty early, at least for a Saturday morning and john b's door is closed so I assume he and Sarah are still asleep. As I round the corner into the kitchen I'm met with a view that has me stopping in my tracks and forgetting what I came here for

Kie is perched on one of the dining chairs nursing a cup of coffee in one hand, the other holding her phone casually scrolling, knees tucked up underneath her chin. She's wearing the same pair of booty shorts she had on last night but now she's wearing my hoodie, the one I'd let her keep. My heart feels like it's going to explode and I fight back the grin I feel forming on my lips

"Nice hoodie" I say, leaning against the doorframe with a cocky smile

Kiara jumps, spilling a few drops of coffee in the process "shit" she mutters closing her eyes briefly and letting out a breath "don't do that"

"Sorry princess" I throw her a cloth from the bench to wipe up the coffee "don't get my hoodie dirty"

She stands up wiping the drops off the sleeve. Without looking at me she says in a teasing tone "I thought it was mine now? Something about it looking better on me.."

My eyes trail down her body, now that she's standing her shorts have disappeared underneath my oversized hoodie and her long tan legs are on full display. On instinct my tongue darts out to wet my lips, mouth suddenly feeling dry.
Fuck she is so beautiful

"It does" my voice comes out grittier than intended so I clear my throat "look better on you"

"Well it's mine then, unless you want to take that back too just like all the other stuff you changed your mind about"

She's biting a smirk back and so am I, I shake my head at her, bemused. Am I really that transparent? She fucking knows I want her.

"Maybe I have changed my mind" I say trying my best to put on a serious face "about the hoodie" I clarify, taking a step closer to her

she nods, smiling and talking a step backwards in response "you want it back?" She steps to the left, pushing the chair in between us

"Yeah, I think I do" I say taking another step forward and pushing the chair aside

"You'll have to catch me first" and with that she ducks through the door and into the hallway

"Oh you better run princess!" I trip over the damn chair, find my footing and sprint after her, all the way up to the bedroom i'd left only about 10 minutes earlier.  when I catch up she's standing on the middle of the bed holding a pillow above her head

"Don't take another step maybank"


JJ smirks "or what?"

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